I haven’t followed HS wrestling for a number of years now, but looking at the results from the first round of team today I see a ton of pins and tech falls. I understand the increase in TF with the new 3 pt TD and 4 pt NF. But the amount of pins is crazy to me. In the first round of all three classes I counted 71 total pins over 156 matches, that’s 45.5% of matches that ended in a pin. Of those 71 pins 49 of them were in the first period. Only 4 total were in the 3rd period.
I asked my brother about this as he’s a wrestling coach and he said so many kids just give up once they get on their backs and don’t fight.
Ya that is a crazy high pin %. My guess is that it will go way down tomorrow on the winner side of the bracket. In the few matches I’ve watched last year and this, it does seem like way more pins that I use to remember.