state fair

  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    so the wifey and i hit the fair this past sunday. eating my way through with the turkey leg, french fries, cheese curds, pepper stick, AND helping my wife with the cookies so the lid would close tongue i was way to full to eat any of the SPAM goodies when i came across there stands. Sorry BK, the wifey wouldnt give me any cash for a spam souviner either!!!!!!!!! doah ??? jester

    Posts: 6687

    Dangit. Traded another fair weekend for outdoor beauty!

    1. CameraZOOM-20180901202216956.jpg

    2. CameraZOOM-20180902105236045.jpg

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    I diverted the wife both weekends enough to she forgot about the fair in general. Saturday night I took her to the pro series rodeo in rock creek instead and drank a bunch of beer and watched these guys get their ass’s whooped by some intimidating animals

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Last Saturdays attendance at the fair was 270,426.
    There is 322 acres.
    That is 839.8 persons/acre
    No thanks

    Pete S
    Posts: 277

    is it a minnesota thing or does it seem that the bigger the crowds, the more people feel they can’t be left out and they have to be part of it?? I’m fine being left out, didn’t cross the Croix all weekend, floated on it quite a bit tho and didn’t need to be tied to any other boat all weekend…crazy.

    Posts: 27

    I love the fair. I was part of 3 records. That is a new record for me. It was awesome. I wish it went all year.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I used to dislike the fair. I really enjoy it now. I’m much happier being less of a curmudgeon. What’s the point of disliking something you’ve never tried to enjoy? There’s a reason for the record attendance this year.

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