Starting a plot

  • Nitrodog
    Posts: 850

    I am looking at starting a 1 acre plot in in north central mn. This time of year the weeds in this area are waist high. What and when to I start. I assume mow the weeds and till the soil?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12220

    With waist high weeds, you may have no choice but to mow the weeds.

    If time allows, I prefer killing weeds to just mowing them. If possible, I would cut the weeds with a trimmer or brush cutter and then spray the entire plot with Roundup. Then wait a week and you can till or disc the soil.

    Any ideas what you want to plant? IMO you are too late in the season for brassicas. Personally, I would plant a grain mix or a clover blend. Since you cannot control the weeds very much before planting, I’d consider this first crop an annual and plan on replanting next year when you can better control the weeds pre-palnting.


    Posts: 9285

    If you don’t have time to mow, spray and wait a week I have had good results with mowing, discing then plant and spray the visible weeds right after. It’s not ideal but I had to do it last year when I didn’t have time to drive the 4 hours to get it done separately.

    Posts: 850

    I was planning on have it ready for next year. so I am in no hurry. I am better to work the soil some know or just wait until spring. I was thinking of planting some kind of clover. Where is a good spot to buy seed.

    Posts: 9285

    You can get seed from the poster above me in this post. Here is my clover plot with Grouse’s seed.

    1. 20160707_125502.jpg

    Posts: 9285

    I would disc it this year. This fall you could plant your clover with oats as a cover. In the spring you just mow off the oats and you will have your clover. You may need to spray with clethodim in the spring.

    Posts: 850

    Does a person just use a broadcaster spreader for the seed. Do you usually have to fertilize as well to help it grow.

    Posts: 9285

    I use the Earthway broadcast spreader. It has the red bag. I love this one and its easy to control. I did fertilize this spring and think it helped a lot. I don’t remember what numbers I used. I’m sure Sticker or Grouse will jump in.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Yep, broadcast spreader for clover is perfect. I rarely fertilize my clover, but when I do use something with P and K and very little if any N. If I remember right last time I used 0-30-30.

    If you can I would spray at least this year. Start the weed killing process as soon as possible so you can get ahead of it before next spring. Spray now and maybe in a couple weeks throw down some winter rye/cereal rye seed down before a rain. Rye is great for fighting weeds. Then next spring you can work the ground and you will be ahead of the game.

    Posts: 850

    I will be doing all the work with my atv. I better get shopping for some stuff. The ground is fairly soft in this area, I was thinking of getting the groundhog max to turn the soil.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12220

    If you have time to work on the plot, fall is a good time to plant clover. It’s a little counter-intuitive, planting in the fall, but you’re taking advantage of cooler weather and hopefully more moisture to establish the plot so it will be up and growing before next summer’s hot weather can stress it.

    But I would only pursue planting clover if you really have the time to do it all this fall.

    Otherwise, I like Sticker’s idea. Spray and plant a cereal grain mix (Personally, I use rye and oats). The benefit is that cereal grains come in very thick and out compete weeds, so you are providing a good food plot AND reducing your weed issues for next year.


    Posts: 850

    Thanks for the help guys. What would be my best way of getting the soil ready after I mow and spray for weeds? I was thinking a small spring tooth drag?

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