And it’s not just relegated to public lands. I’ve heard of guys on private having things disappear as well.
Part of the problem is that the value of stuff that guys are leaving in the woods has gone way up. It used to be that a deer stand was some reasonably sound 2x6s salvaged from Uncle Bob’s redo of his deck and then nailed in a tree in a reasonably sound manner.
Now, you’ve got guys putting out trail cams, ground blinds, deer stands, tower blinds, etc. Is it any wonder thieves are out looking for this stuff now?
A guy that lives across the street from my parents had a whole bunch of stuff stolen from his property. They got 8 trail cams, 4 Mr. Heaters, and a decent ladder stand. The thing that blew me away was that they just leave the Mr. Heaters up in the tower stands from before the season to sometime in December when the last guy is done hunting. None of the cams were locked in lock boxes.
This property fronts a county road and it’s obvious that it is a seasonal use hunting property and the parking spot is right off the county road so it’s totally obvious when someone is on the property.
I’m not saying anybody deserves to have their stuff stolen, but I guess I kind of assume that if you don’t keep stuff locked up, sooner or later the perps are always looking for an opportunity.