St. Croix "Take the Neighborhood Fishing" Tourney June 3rd

  • cougareye
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    I want to introduce you to a great tourney coming up that our Bible/Fishing group has been working on for some time…

     Its about the kids from the Frogtown neighborhood of St. Paul and putting them on fish, plus the kids being positively exposed to face time with Law Enforcement Officers. Win – win. 

    Many of the youth will be fishing for their first time and not have had the chance to fish until now! One nice fish and the thrill it brings is all it takes to make an angler for life!  

    I am attaching a document to further explain the tourney, please review.

    Also check out:

    SPREAD THE WORD we need boat captains!  If you can captain for this event, please get in touch with Turk Gierke (his email is on the form) or you can reply to me here via Instant message or reply to this thread.

    This is going to be awesome – hope you can make it.

    Thanks for consideration.

    Eric Tvedt

    1. Intro-Overview-for-Boat-Captains.pdf

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Dang ET! One of the few days I’m guiding this year. (

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Awesome Eric. I’m interested in this. Do you have the attachment? We should hit up the guys at the SCVWL pre-league meeting next week too.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I can’t seem to get my attachment to upload. I’m trying again right now.

    If this does not work, here is the website, which I see also did not take.

    If all else fails, call or text me at 715/977-2839 with your email address and phone and I’ll get it over to any interested parties.


    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    I’ll captain. I believe I told Turk already but mark me down. I hope those kids like to catch bass. heard there is a good spot up by the swingbridge?

    Posts: 7348

    We are looking for service minded experienced anglers

    What does this mean exactly?

    Dont have any service duty but got a boat. Would like to participate if possible.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Thanks nhamm,

    If you’re willing to take a kid fishing along with a LEO, in your boat, being service minded is already 75% taken care of. We just want to make sure our captains are there to provide a great experience for the kids and our LEO guests.
    If you send me your email I’ll send you the info on being a boat captain. The other 25% is we are asking our captains to find sponsors for their boat and/or pay for entry to the tournament. Most captains are preferring to find small business or individuals to sponsor them!


    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    If you look back over your fishing life, I bet you can find someone that took the time to introduce you to fishing.

    You be that person now. Pay it forward.

    June 3rd only a four hour “tourney”.
    Take some kids fishing and hopefully change their lives forever!

    Blessings to all and good luck on opener.

    Contact me if you want to be a Boat Captain in this event.

    Thank you!!!

    Posts: 696

    Dang ET! One of the few days I’m guiding this year. (

    BK, I thought u were done with that guiding stuff brother.!!!
    Heck we’re supposed to fish at mill ruins but I don’t plan to break my rod this time lol. Jk jk

    On a real note,
    I wish I could make this event. esp being a inner city kid these type of events really make a big differences but imma groomsman at my buds weddin. Dang. Not gonna lie I’d rather be a captain for this event. if it wasnt for boyscouts or these types of events id probably wouldnt be the man i am now.
    It’s weird but my fav aunts goin away party is that day aswell. Why is June 3rd so busy???
    lets change it to the wkend after eh? lol
    kudos to everyone that is participating in this event
    plz let me know if any other even such as this is in the future. id be happy to a part of it

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Great event! Had so much fun. Big fish honors to this guy!

    1. IMG_0067.jpg

    Posts: 7348

    I was fortunate enough to share a boat with 2 officers, both from the St.Paul K-9 unit, and the 2 kids of course.

    DNRs across the nation know the importance of keeping dna strains pure to certain watersheds. Those fish know how to adapt, how to feed, how to survive better than those of foreign waters. We always hear about the importance of homegrown and similarly ethnic law enforcement, firefighters, those who protect and serve communities to come from those communities.

    Sorry for the bad fish analogy, but being in the boat yesterday and watching the interactions between the officers who were from Frogtown as well and the kids it showed perfectly why it’s needed. The common interests, hey that music is in your phone, mine too! You get the sticky rice out with some fish, heck yeah we do too! Etc etc.

    Turk and John especially, amongst the other did a great job putting this together and the relationships being gained is freakin awesome, big thanks from myself for being part, and big thanks for what you’re doing for future generations. applause

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Thank you to all who participated and/or donated. The event raised over $5,000 for the Safe City project. If you check out their facebook page you’ll see many posts of pictures of the event.


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