St.Croix Bluffs Boat Ramp

  • Tom Hubbard
    Posts: 48

    Coming down for our annual fall trip to fish the St.Croix & Mississippi rivers in a few weeks. Was checking to see if anyone has launched at Bluffs Park recently, and had any issue getting through the opening to the river with the low water?

    1. Screenshot_20211007-142907_Maps.jpg

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Hi Tom,
    I don’t launch at the bluffs so can’t answer your question. We were planning to fish out of the bluffs for our walleye league this year. Because of the low water, we switched back to Hudson/Bayport instead. I would guess you can still launch there but it is a pain. I know a couple guys that f’d up their boats the 1 time we did fish from there this year. The water levels were similar to what they are now.

    Posts: 542

    Haven’t been down there recently but it was just fine in august at the peak of the drought and my bro in law goes out of there multiple times a week and hasn’t mentioned it being difficult.

    Tom Hubbard
    Posts: 48

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback.

    Prescott, Wi
    Posts: 372

    You will be good they added gravel at the end of the ramp so your trailer won’t get hung up. Just stay in the channel on the way out and don’t cut the corner. Good luck

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