Spring Snow Goose E-Caller Question

  • cougareye
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    What do you guys use for e-callers for spring snow geese? Can predator calls be used with a snow goose download?

    I have a FoxPro Spitfire (NIB) and I’m not familiar with it yet. Are these loud enough? Can they be adapted for snow geese?

    If these are a no-go, what’s the best option for someone who just wants to try spring snows once.?



    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    If these are a no-go, what’s the best option for someone who just wants to try spring snows once.?



    ../.Hire a good guide. waytogo …rrr

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Would make sense to hire a guide if I’ve never hunted snows, but I have, all my life, but only in the fall. So I have everything I need, except an e-caller.

    Looking for ideas on what has worked for others and wondering if the predator calls will work. I did some recon on the FoxPro site, and they do have downloadable snow goose tracks!

    Can I load up a boombox with D batteries and play a CD?


    Posts: 3

    We use FoxPro callers, and yes, you should be able to download all the snow goose sounds you want. I bought a couple more speakers and extra cables to spread them out. I would NOT use a boombox, trust me, I’ve tried it.

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    Would make sense to hire a guide if I’ve never hunted snows, but I have, all my life, but only in the fall. So I have everything I need, except an e-caller.

    Looking for ideas on what has worked for others and wondering if the predator calls will work. I did some recon on the FoxPro site, and they do have downloadable snow goose tracks!

    Can I load up a boombox with D batteries and play a CD?


    …Sorry COUGAREYE. the REASON I SAID HIRE A GUIDE WAS ” Try spring snows ONCE” Good Luck on your Hunt.! …rrr

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Sorry COUGAREYE. the REASON I SAID HIRE A GUIDE WAS ” Try spring snows ONCE” Good Luck on your Hunt.! …rrr

    No worries, it made perfect sense without the additional info I provided later.

    I’m trying to help out a friend who wants to try it, and he’s willing to spend the money on decoys, but I’m just shaking my head at what will amount to $3-$4K in decoys…….what if they don’t really love it.

    So I’ve offered up my gear but I need input on e-callers!!


    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Don’t skimp on a quality ecaller. You’ll want a minimum of 4 speakers, and run it off a vexilar style battery. Our group runs two callers with 8 speakers…plus a back up in the trailer. This is “normal” in the spring.

    I’d suggest making your own 4 speaker unit to save some Ching….and use your fox pro as backup/supliment.

    You have to have deep pockets and a hard core group of friends to really take on what “spring snow goose” hunting is.

    If it comes down to flyers, vortex machines, or more decoys…buy more decoys. The rest are gimmicks.

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