In my plots where I plant brassica in mid July I usually plant a cover crop in spring. In the past it has been buckwheat to build organic matter and keep the weeds down. It has worked well, but the 2 draw backs are buckwheat is getting pretty expensive and it is very frost sensative, so you can’t plant in until ANY danger of frost is gone. In central MN that could be mid June.
This year I am thinking about planting oats in the spring. Let them go until about July 10th, then turn them into the soil if there is anything left and plant the brassica. My concern is that if the deer hammer them like people have said they do, will there be anything left to keep the weeds down?
I do have a 60 acre alfalfa field in the middle of the property, and a bunch of clover plots for the deer to eat in spring. I also have a bunch of winter rye that I planted last fall, but my 2 plots that I want to try the oats in are 1/2 acre. I think the deer could clean these out pretty fast. Do oats keep growing after being browsed?
Your thoughts???