Spring Planning

  • sktrwx2200
    Posts: 727

    New year, new goals.. the warm weather has the wheels in motion for finalizing my food plotting plans. What are you guys going to be implementing this year? Anything new? Any regrets from last year? Whats going in the ground 1st? Any new equipment coming your way this spring?

    Still gotta put the late season food in…….One of these years we’re are bound to have a real winter right?


    Posts: 727

    Here is my kindergarten drawing with the mouse.. haha

    1. 2017PLAN.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Ah, sweet corn, get the coon traps oiled up grin

    I like the diversity toast Keep some winter rye on hand in case those beans do get hit hard. Then you can overseed the beans with rye to keep them active into late November.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Spring planted rye and oats as a cover crop is going to be my experiment this year. That and the plot saver fence system. Never done either so it will be an adventure.

    Posts: 727

    I got more electricity protecting that sweet corn than San Quentin. They didnt dare try it last year.. I can hear the voltage running from 100 yds away.. rotflol

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12220

    Good thread! Yes, I’m thinking about spring too.

    New Equipment – For 2017, I’m going to blow my toy budget on a brush hog mower. Probably a 6 footer. Not new, I’ll find a decent used one somewhere. That’s about all I really need this year

    Food Plot Plans:

    Soybeans — I’m going with Eagle Forage Soybeans this year and I’m going to do a test plot to compare them to conventional ag soybeans. Like everything else in food plots, I’m not saying forage soybeans are necessarily better than ag beans, I think it’s more a case of discovering their sweet spot in terms of use.

    My big concern with soybeans is that I have only about 11 acres total for plots and assuming we don’t get a disastrous end to winter, my deer population is on the rise. So browsing pressure is THE issue to watch with soybeans.

    Totally agree with Sticker. I’ll have plenty of oats and rye as a backup in case there’s nothing left of the beans come late August.

    Brassicas – I’m going with another 3 acre plot of brassicas this year. Last year the deer did not leave the brassicas alone from late October to the end of November they were hammering that plot on an hourly basis. It was terrific. I know Sktr that your brassicas wasn’t touched hardly at all, so to me this will be an interesting test in terms of is the appeal of brassicas in any one area highly variable or is it a case of once they get used to eating it, they continue to love it?

    The big project for this year is the building of the cabin on the property. Much to be done on this, stay tuned.


    Posts: 592

    I will be starting on a 40acre plot that has been in smooth brome for 15years, 2 passes of roundup , cover crop of turnup / oil seed radish , fall no till pollinator butterfly mix and a second planting of the mix in the spring of 2018

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I got more electricity protecting that sweet corn than San Quentin. They didnt dare try it last year.. I can hear the voltage running from 100 yds away.. rotflol

    SWEET!!! yay yay yay

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