April 18th & 19th, 2020
Based on a 50 boat field with a $400.00 entry fee.
Payout Per Day
1s t $1,500 2nd $1,250 3rd $1,100 4th $1000 5th $650
6th $500 7th $500 8th $500 9th $300 10th $200
BONUS PAYOUT: 1ST $1,000 2ND $750 3RD $250
• Contestants must enter as a two-person team. Any person under age 16 must be teamed with a parent or legal guardian.
• Under age 18 must have written parental permission.
• The first 50 entry forms submitted with the $400.00 entry fee will be the tournament field. . $100 late fee after 4/10/2020
• Each contestant must have in their possession a valid Minnesota or Wisconsin fishing license, if required by law.
• Sponsors, tournament directors, and anyone assisting in tournament operations, their agencies, agents, etc. are not responsible for deaths, injuries, damages, liability, theft, fire, or any loss of any kind to entrants.
• Each entrant upon signing an entry form will in effect be signing a waiver form.
• Entry fee refunds will be at the discretion of the tournament committee.
• Pre-tournament headquarters will be:
o Steve Gnotke
o 502 South 7th Street
o Lake City, MN 55041
o E-Mail [email protected]
• The Orientation meeting will be held at 6:00 P.M. Friday, April 17th, before the tournament at the location designated on the announcement flyer (The Bluffs Bar, Hager City, WI). Calcutta Auction to follow orientation meeting.
• At least one member of each team must attend unless excused by the tournament director.
• Boat number will be determined by random draw the night of the orientation meeting. Boat #1 will lead the boats out on day 1, the field will be inverted on day 2 with boat #1 going out last.
• All boats are required to meet US Coast Guard safety regulations as well as all Minnesota and Wisconsin regulations.
• Each contestant is required to wear properly secured Coast Guard approved chest type PFD at all times when the main engine is operating above idle speed.
• No alcoholic beverages may be consumed by contestants during tournament hours.
• Tournament Officials may cancel, delay or restrict tournament waters and/or hours in case of severe weather.
• In event of severe weather, contestants are allowed to pull into the nearest shoreline until it is safe to resume fishing.
• Safe boating conduct and all safety precautions must be observed at all times.
• All teams must report in at the end of each day, for SAFETY reasons, even if you don’t weigh any fish.
• Fishing is permitted in Pool 4 between the Red Wing Dam and the Alma Dam, and from Railroad track to Railroad track.
• Tournament hours will be 7:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on both Saturday and Sunday. Boat inspection will be from 5am to 6:30am
• No contestant is permitted on tournament waters between 5:00 P.M. on the Friday before the tournament and 3:00 P.M. on Sunday the last day of the tournament, except during tournament hours.
• SHORT FISH PENALTY *** Any boat submitting a Short Fish, that is less than 14 inches (13.75 on Judge ruler), will be DISQUALIFIED FOR THAT DAY! ! ! Fish will be measured with “The Judge” ruler. Fisherman must provide their own “Judge” ruler and camera for the event.
• CHEATING *** Any person/team caught cheating will be DISQUALIFIED FROM THE ENTIRE TOURNAMENT.
• All Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters regulations will apply to all fishing methods.
• Only two (2) lines per contestant will be allowed in the water at any time.
• Radio communications (including cellular phones) during tournament hours, except for emergency, is prohibited.
• All fish must be caught in a conventional manner on hook and line.
• Only walleye, sauger and saugeye are eligible for weigh-in.
• This is a catch, photo and release tournament. Only fish with clear pictures will be accepted for accepted towards the teams weigh-in card, Judgment of tournament officials is final.
• A random competitor will be selected as a moderator prior to the event
• Minimum length of any eligible fish will be 14 inches. Round UP to the nearest ¼ inch….13 ¾ will be weighed as a 14 inch fish
• Judge to have bump stop to the left, fishes belly to the belly of the person holding the fish, mouth can be open or closed, tail can be pinched or fanned. Take as many pictures of the fish on the board as needed, then lift fish straight up to show opposite side of fish for a media shot. This completes the process! Record the length and weight conversion on your score card.
• Select your best 5 fish by checking the selection box on the score card. We will not select fish for you if you don’t choose them on the card. Your weight must be calculated before submitting your card. We will do the addition for you if it is not completed but there will be a 2 pound deduction from your total. MAKE SURE YOUR CARD IS COMPLETE BEFORE SUBMITTING IT!
• Score card and SD card must be turned in together. Score card must be filled out completely and signed by both team members.
• Prizes will be awarded based on the total converted weight in pounds per team for the daily payouts. Ties will be broken by biggest fish and move to the next largest fish until the tie is broken. Ties in bonus payout will be broken by biggest daily bag!
• Prizes will be awarded following the final tournament weigh-in on Sunday.
• Prizes are awarded to teams at The Bluffs Bar.
• Calcutta and Bonus payout will be based on 2 day scoring system
o 100 points for first place each day, 99 for second, 98 for third, etc. Highest 2 day totals will be paid!
o 35% for 1st in Calcutta
o 28% for 2nd in Calcutta
o 17% for 3rd in Calcutta
o 10% for 17th in Calcutta
o 10% for 28th in Calcutta (or last place weighing fish if 28th blanks)
• Protests may be filed with the Tournament Committee only by a contestant or a Tournament Official.
• All protests must be filed no later than thirty minutes after the close of that fishing day and must be accompanied by a $200.00 CASH protest fee.
• Findings of the Tournament Committee are final and may not be appealed to any higher authority.
• Protest fee will be refunded if the protest is upheld.
• In the interest of good sportsmanship, contestants are reminded that all rules have loopholes and “The Spirit of the Rule” will apply in all judgment cases.
• Any team in violation of the rules will be disqualified and the reason for disqualification will be announced at the weigh-in.
• Disqualification for any reason will result in forfeiture of entry fee.

Posts: 56
February 18, 2020 at 5:46 am