Spotlock sway?

  • Weekender
    Southcentral MN
    Posts: 436

    This past spring I bought the upgrade kit to get iPilot for my 2010 Terrova. Using the spotlock this season, it sways more than I expected. With a 5-20mph wind, I’ll sway some 10 to 15 feet in any and all directions. I anticipated it keeping the nose of the boat within more like 5ft in any direction.

    Is this amount of sway normal? Or was my expectation to high?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    My 2018 motorguide might move 5 ft and then recenter itself.
    On a really windy day

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4402

    My MK Terrova version 3 barely moves off of a spot when on spot lock.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    Did you install the extra puck (can’t think what it is called)

    Southcentral MN
    Posts: 436

    Did you install the extra puck (can’t think what it is called)

    It didn’t come with an extra puck.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5294

    Yeah, something is not right. In wind they generally hold very tight. Should be 5’ like the motor guide. It’s more common to have issues when it’s calmer and you use them.

    The puck might be the issue or maybe a bad heading sensor? Probably gotta call them or call the outfit in Bloomington that works on them.

    Southcentral MN
    Posts: 436

    I had to do a lot of searching online to find the kit because apparently they don’t make them anymore for motors my age (2010).

    I wonder if this was a re-build that didn’t work well when first manufactured?

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    Heading sensor, that was what I was thinking of.
    Now I don’t have the Terrova anymore and mine was the original version. It would travel 10 feet away from center. I have the latest version for an Ulterra now and it moves 2.5 to 3 feet max from center. The heading sensor puk was a big change for mine.

    Posts: 635

    I think the heading sensors are only with the models starting in 2017 or 18. This swaying/drifting issue was pretty common on the older versions.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5294

    Yeah, if it’s a gen 1 version it’s probably working as it should. I had a first gen and it wandered more. The newer versions are a lot better.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    I have a 2015/16 Terrova 80 without the heading sensor and it’s perfectly normal for me. I’m planning to upgrade but I’m not sure what to get. Maybe an Ulterra or another brand. Maybe the heading sensor is the way to go. It’s not uncommon for mine to overcompensate in moderate wind while I curse the damn thing running at 6-7 out of 10 WITH the wind to “correct” an overreaction to a slight cross wind.

    Southcentral MN
    Posts: 436

    Ok. So it sounds like it’s functioning as it should. It’s a bit more sway than I anticipated, but it’s still better than trying to do all the work myself. It’s nice being able to hit a button and just focus on fishing.

    Thanks for the responses.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    If you bought an upgrade kit last year I don’t see why you wouldn’t have the latest hardware (GPS sensor).

    The heading sensor (white puck) does not measure boat position. It measures the heading so when you use the jog feature it knows which way to move. If you don’t have ipilot-link I don’t think you even have this hardware/feature.

    The latest ipilot firmware has a boat scale setting. If I have the boat scale setting set too high on my boat it will overshoot position and sway all over the place.

    Check to see if you have the boat scale setting properly set to your boat’s scale (weight).

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1046

    I have the same issue with my older terrova.
    It will hold a better position if you set the spot luck while completley stationary before and after hitting the spotluck.
    It will also sway considerabley if the wind is not consistant, sometimes windyer is better.

    Posts: 542

    If you bought an upgrade kit last year I don’t see why you wouldn’t have the latest hardware (GPS sensor).

    The heading sensor (white puck) does not measure boat position. It measures the heading so when you use the jog feature it knows which way to move. If you don’t have ipilot-link I don’t think you even have this hardware/feature.

    The latest ipilot firmware has a boat scale setting. If I have the boat scale setting set too high on my boat it will overshoot position and sway all over the place.

    Check to see if you have the boat scale setting in your manual and if you do make sure it is properly set to your boat’s scale (weight).

    Good info, Jason. I see a lot of misconception out there about what the heading sensor does… It is not a GPS receiver and does not have anything to do with iPilot other than telling the trolling motor the position of the boat in the water so that the jog function can move the boat into the correct position. iPilot should function exactly the same whether the heading sensor is paired/set up, vs not on the boat at all.

    The scale setting is very important in determining how the trolling motor corrects for deviations from the spot you’re trying to stay on. Scaling is relative to the size/weight/height etc, of your boat and the thrust of the trolling motor. If your trolling motor is oversized (ie, 112lb on a 16ft tin boat) you’ll want a negative scale, if your trolling motor is undersized for your boat (ie 50lb on a 20ft glass boat) you’ll be in the positive scale.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    I have the same issue with my older terrova.
    It will hold a better position if you set the spot luck while completley stationary before and after hitting the spotluck.
    It will also sway considerabley if the wind is not consistant, sometimes windyer is better.

    agree x2

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    I’d say that sounds about right, I’ve got a 2011 and it can feel like a drunken sailor grabbed the wheel some days. Watching other guys not moving much at all while we are flopping all over the place almost makes me want to drop 2k to get a new model TM, but I don’t fish stationary that often anyway so I just deal with it.

    Posts: 6712

    I’ll also confirm that the heading sensor has nothing to do with the spot lock itself. It’s only necessary for the jog feature as mentioned.

    Posts: 2129

    Yup mine sucks, but I figure a new ultrex for next year, will help over my old terrova I have now.

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