Spot Lock-Help Needed

  • Ty Kennedy
    Posts: 151

    I’m new to using the Spot Lock feature with the iPilot Link and was wondering if there is a way to make the prop not full power to 10 speed when it initially tries to bring us to the spot lock point. It really throws the boat around and leads to overshooting the initial point and was wondering if there is a way to say max out the prop speed at like 3 or 4 or another set top speed. Thanks.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Been using mine for 3 years and this is my biggest disappointment. Sorry, that doesn’t help.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Been using mine for 3 years and this is my biggest disappointment. Sorry, that doesn’t help.

    Couldn’t agree more. I ran three different Ulterra bow mounts this spring on three diffrrent boats and all three…the spot lock is nearly useless. I feel I’m far better off running the motor manually versuses putting up with the constant over-corrections.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3142

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>biggill wrote:</div>
    Been using mine for 3 years and this is my biggest disappointment. Sorry, that doesn’t help.

    Couldn’t agree more. I ran three different Ulterra bow mounts this spring on three diffrrent boats and all three…the spot lock is nearly useless. I feel I’m far better off running the motor manually versuses putting up with the constant over-corrections.

    Does the Terrova do the same thing in this regard? Do you know if the current Terrova is programmed the same as the Ulterra?

    Tim J
    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 539

    My Ipilot system is garabage. Both spotlock and autopilot. Next year I will be switching to motorguide and the terrova is going to get the “office space” treatment.

    Gabe Kuettner
    wabasha mn
    Posts: 348

    All i do is troll down the shore and cast cover more water and could go with a anchor

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    My Terrova, I find it is only really nice to use when there is some current or wind. Then the correction stays at a modest speed and the correction sort of stops closer to the actual point… vs overshooting it, then correcting to get back again.

    Is Motorguide’s system that much better? Thought I seen a thread here once where that was implied.

    Mike Martine
    la crosse wis
    Posts: 258

    My terrova doesn’t do this . Finds its spot and holds very well. My brother has the ulterra and that constantly overshoots , always correcting itself.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    All i do is troll down the shore and cast cover more water and could go with a anchor

    I’m with ya Gabe.

    Posts: 7348

    This is interesting to hear of, up to this point ipilot was the cats meow across the board. Motor guide it seemed had a slight advantage on the spot lock not drifting as far but to hear this degree of dislike is rather different.

    La Crosse WI
    Posts: 101

    when i use spot lock in heavy current and wind. i set the spot lock use big motor to hold off it spot and move up slow until it get bearing and adjusted speed.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    It’s very frustrating only because it seems it should only be a software update to make it better.

    I don’t even care so much about holding a tighter area, the erratic over corrections drive me nuts. I swear people look at me like I have no clue how to use a trolling motor when in fact it’s on autopilot.

    I have found that using it on a river is better but high or low wind on a lake is frustrating and sometimes dangerous with a 36v blast at 100%.

    Posts: 5126

    I have found that using it on a river is better but high or low wind on a lake is frustrating and sometimes dangerous with a 36v blast at 100%.

    I had never heard of this issue before this thread, and I don’t have a motor with this technology installed. However if that is the case MinnKota should cease production immediately and fix the issue. There is no reason a motor needs to turn on to 100% immediately, a slow throttle up is the best, most accurate, and safest way. And that goes for manual mode as well. I’ve almost been thrown from my boat a few times because I accidentally bumped it to 100% or had it turned in the opposite direction to where I thought it was going. If they had it ramp up to speed all the time it would also prevent most of the herky jerky sounds that transmit into the water and spook fish.

    But I guess why would MinnKota care about any of that, they’re making money off it!

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I might have exaggerated a bit but I will say that I won’t stand near the bow on anchor lock.

    Ferryville WI
    Posts: 53

    Unless Minn Kota makes drastic improvements I’ll never buy another one. Mine usually does ok as long as there’s a moderate current otherwise I’m doing it manually. Still wouldn’t want to go back to not having it though.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13412

    Mine isnt to bad on the river either. Few times out on the lake think it would of been better to just tie a rope to the trolling motor and use it for an anchor.

    It would be nice if Minnkota fixed this. Especially since there is another option on the market. The longer they let this go the more they will drive customers to another option. They have done that with me.

    ski junkie
    Grantsburg, Wisc
    Posts: 305

    My terrova doesn’t do this . Finds its spot and holds very well. My brother has the ulterra and that constantly overshoots , always correcting itself.

    Mine works great also

    Posts: 7348

    My buddys Terrova on his 20′ tyee works wonderful, had to ask him after seeing this.

    Are these problems model specific? Anyone with terrovas have these issues?

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    That’s an interesting question nhamm. I dont know the difference between the models but for me as a Lehman I would think the circuitry would be the same unless there is integrated circuitry affecting the main purpose of the initial feature. If there is an effect of circuitry being effected there should be a recall on the model affected. Then again with massproduction and little oversight in this sector of business the consumer loses to big business. Its ones choice if one supports a company or not even when ones model works as described and another model does not.
    This is not like the automotive sector where many models are under one belt. Its a few models in comparitive. Maybe Johnson outdoors is more foccused on aquiring more companies for the corporate portfolio than letting those sectors aquired to produce a consistent quality product.
    corporate wins purchaser loses.

    Posts: 231

    I have a Minnkota PowerDrive™ V2 55 with i-Pilot® Wireless GPS and do not have any problems as described. I know I don’t have the power you folks are talking about and it’s only 12 volts, but I control the spot lock with the remote and it works just fine. The constant corrections will be a bit of an annoyance sometimes and it seems to hold in moderate wind.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    Are these problems model specific? Anyone with terrovas have these issues?

    Posted above, mine at times is a real PIA. Love the unit in general, but the spot lock at times really is very, very annoying.

    I have a buddy that gets like 30% off through a factory store connection – if they ever come out with an improvement, I’ll be all over it.

    New Ulm, MN
    Posts: 175

    For those wondering, I’ve had a Terrova and now an Xi5 in the past two years so I feel confident in my opinions.

    The Xi5 anchor mode is hands down better than Minn Kota. It’s not even close. But, that isn’t to say the Xi5 is problem free unit, I’ve had issues with both. Minn Kota has a much nicer remote and the cruise control is much better as well.

    Posts: 43

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mike Martine wrote:</div>
    My terrova doesn’t do this . Finds its spot and holds very well. My brother has the ulterra and that constantly overshoots , always correcting itself.

    Mine works great also

    Mine works perfect also, no complaints.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13412

    For those wondering, I’ve had a Terrova and now an Xi5 in the past two years so I feel confident in my opinions.

    The Xi5 anchor mode is hands down better than Minn Kota. It’s not even close. But, that isn’t to say the Xi5 is problem free unit, I’ve had issues with both. Minn Kota has a much nicer remote and the cruise control is much better as well.

    So how is the auto pilot on the Xi5?

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Very interesting to see the positive opinions. I’m not one to sound off on something that fails to meet expectations but this is one that definitely failed to meet mine.

    I have not had all the issues that others had but the advanced autopilot and anchor lock are my biggest disappointments. The only other thing is that I had the power head replaced under warranty due to a leak from an obvious defect in a seal surface.

    The compass autopilot and cruise control meet my expectations and are used most often.

    I’m getting an Xi5 as soon as they get a remote with a display.

    Posts: 1054

    I was an early user of the terrova with spot lock. Bought one immediately. The spot lock worked well as long as there was alight wind or you were in current. I was very leased with it then the GPS faile and had to be replaced. THe new unit was night and day worse than the original unit. Spot lock was now unusable due to the violent large direction changes. I was almost thrown overboard due to it kicking to 10 speed on the corrections. I used it one bass tournament and it was worthless holding spot so you could drop shot it would move up to 30 feet. Totally worthless. I bought the replacement gps through a dealer they are also an authorized repair center. The tested and called Minnkota who said 20 25 ft corrections was still normal. This was totally unacceptable and went to a cable drive unit before the next weekend. I will never have another one. Completely disappointed. If you look on the web you will find more unhappy people with similar stories. I cannot recommend the terrova if you want spot lock.


    Posts: 24827

    I’m getting an Xi5 as soon as they get a remote with a display.

    as an xi5 owner I hope they never do this. If they do I will keep the one I have and move from boat to boat. The last thing I want is a clunky remote hanging around my neck. With the pinpoint gateway I can see everything I need to right on my hds units. Far easier than a small 2″ screen around my neck.

    Posts: 823

    Previously, I had an 36v 101 original IPilot . It was an incredible upgrade from my autopilot. I upgraded to IPilot link in 2012 and it is considerably less effective that my original version. Not enough to change it out, but hoping for a software upgrade to bring it back to what my original used to do.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4373

    I had a terrova that was great. Would keep the boat within 5 ft. on spot lock. Upgraded to the i-pilot link and it sucks on anchor mode and Minnkota says it’s normal. ? When I asked how come the terrova was better was told that the 2 motors have the exact same programming and I must be wrong. flame Having Birds I Hope the next generation i-pilot is coming soon.:???:

    Posts: 823

    I had a terrova that was great. Would keep the boat within 5 ft. on spot lock. Upgraded to the i-pilot link and it sucks on anchor mode and Minnkota says it’s normal. ? When I asked how come the terrova was better was told that the 2 motors have the exact same programming and I must be wrong. flame Having Birds I Hope the next generation i-pilot is coming soon.:???:

    Exactly my experience also, sans the min Kota querie. I just live with it. It’s still better than a single anchor

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