I bought a 13 Fishing Freefall spooler reel last year and sold it this year. I had issues with the line coming off the reel and getting wrapped around the spool. I’m not quite sold on these reels but can’t help to notice some very good ice fishermen that use them extensively. I was considering trying another one but for sure staying away from the 13 Fishing and probably going with the Clam Genz Spooler Elite. Anyone have any thoughts?
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Spooler Reels?
January 7, 2021 at 10:04 am #2003903
Like you I jumped on the inline reel bandwagon when they first came out. Like you I also had problems with them and sold them. I decided to try one again this year. For Christmas I got a Ghost Free Fall ( 13 fishing product ) I have only had one chance to try it so far, but so far I like it much better than the early black betty that I had. I still need more time with it to see if I’m sold on it. The fall adjustment on it seems much better than on the old black betty. I also think the drag is much improved on it. There is no doubt that inline reels cause way less line Twist than do spinning reels. Now they just need to make one that works well.
Posts: 36January 7, 2021 at 10:08 am #200390613 fishing freefall is a gamechanger ive had one for 2 years just got another one the speed at which you can change depths you cant do as fast with a spinning reel the trigger is way to convenient ive never tried a standard spooer seel but seems like pulling it off the reel would be a pain
January 7, 2021 at 10:15 am #2003909Give the eagle claw version a try. I got one on a snitch rod combo years ago from FF and it works great and it is cheaper.
Posts: 1044January 7, 2021 at 1:37 pm #2003973Line management is a lot of user experience and effort. It’s the same thing as using an open face spinning reel and getting line problem. No different from using a baitcaster. Once one gets the knowing of how to manage the line, it’s a useful tool.
Posts: 138January 7, 2021 at 3:19 pm #2004007Like you I jumped on the inline reel bandwagon when they first came out. Like you I also had problems with them and sold them. I decided to try one again this year. For Christmas I got a Ghost Free Fall ( 13 fishing product ) I have only had one chance to try it so far, but so far I like it much better than the early black betty that I had. I still need more time with it to see if I’m sold on it. The fall adjustment on it seems much better than on the old black betty. I also think the drag is much improved on it. There is no doubt that inline reels cause way less line Twist than do spinning reels. Now they just need to make one that works well.
I did something similar and bought an inline reel right away. I’d have given it mixed reviews at best. The drag was a bit shaky and the fall adjustment seemed to never hold true. I think my brother has that setup in his garage but rarely ice fishes.
Fast forward to this year, and I decided to pick up a couple 13 Fishing Descent reels. They are relatively cheap ~$35 or so, but I got them with the intention of them being used on my backwater panfish rods where it’s very rare to fish over about 8′ of water. So far, I do not see myself going back for shallow applications. If I am working a deeper spot, I just grab one of my panfish rods with a spinning reel.
Bluegill89 – I still use 2 of those on my sight fishing rods late in the winter when water on the river is substantially clearer. Anything else is just a waste of time and $$$ when plucking gills and perch out of 3′ of water.
January 7, 2021 at 3:43 pm #2004019I have tried a couple different 13 inlines (BB and Ghost) and did not care for them, as well as the Gravity Reel from Clam which I also didn’t care for. I just bought the Spooler Elite from Clam and it’s the first inline I don’t hate. It’s well built (actually cheaper in cost than the Gravity reels) and the anti reverse is actually the drag system so you don’t have to palm it. You just set the drag where you want it and it kicks in whenever the fish pulls.
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