Spook a Hen Off a Strut Zone or Not?

  • boone
    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 933

    In 2016 my boy and I set up our blind in the middle of a big corn/alpha field where we had seen toms and hens in the evenings the previous couple of years. We put out a hen decoy and about 6:30 p.m. two toms entered the field on the far end and made there way towards us and we managed to get both of them.

    Last Saturday evening we set up in the same place and put out the same hen decoy and got in the blind about 5:00 p.m. About 6:00 p.m. a single hen entered the field and started feeding in the alpha. At about 6:30 I see three toms and two jakes out near the hen about 150 yards from us. A couple of toms are half fanned out and the other tom decided to chase the jakes off then the all three toms and both jakes go back into the woods. The hen is paying no attention to the toms or jakes and just feeding. About 10 minutes later, two toms come back out but now seem to show no interest in the live hen or our decoy or calling and just move around feeding. When they went over a knoll, I put a jake decoy out but it was right next to our blind. The two toms worked their way back over the knoll and passed about 100 yard in front of us and could clearly see the jake decoy but didn’t move in on it or the hen decoy or live hen.

    I think the next time I have a blind set up and a hen decoy out and a real hen enters the field, I’ll spook her off unless I can quickly call her to us. It seems that unless she close to the blind, she’s just competition for any toms that may enter the field. What’s your thoughts on the situation?


    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3072

    I’d leave her the heck alone. The Tom that is following her may be just one step away from entering the field. Spooking her, will surely spook any unseen Tom as well.

    Jim Clark
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 69

    Nothing like a “Live Decoy”.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I would welcome her. Toms are goofy, you just never know what mood they are in. If they didn’t want anything to do with the live hen your decoy has no chance, but I’d rather have one live decoy than a whole flock of plastic ones.

    Posts: 363

    Had a Tom walk right by a live hen (that was 80 yards from the blind) and come right up to the decoy. Leave her alone.

    Jim Plowman
    Posts: 8

    I always leave them alone. I consider them a live decoy. Last Spring I had a hen walk 2 nice 18 lb toms from about 150 yards away to right in front of my blind.

    My profile pic is my 2nd season 21 lb tom from this spring shot at about 27 yards also hunted 4th season this spring and settled for a 10 lb jake. I hate leaving tags go unfilled and the turkeys where I hunt need thinned down.

    I can’t wait for fall season.

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