Split Shot vs Triple shot

  • Aaron Kalberer
    Posts: 373

    I have a hook 2 split shot on my boat, anyone know if can I get a triple shot transducer so I can have side scan or is the head unit separate as well?

    Calgary, AB
    Posts: 280

    I believe it’s a simple plug and play, there should be no difference in the head units themselves.

    Unplug the Splitshot, plug in the TripleShot, and you should have side scan.


    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    I would call lowrance or your local shop and verify. My hook2-7 tripleshot has “TS” printed on the head unit while the splitshot does not. Could just be marketing but worth verifying before taking apart your boat.

    Aaron Kalberer
    Posts: 373

    I called the dealer today and they said “Split shot and Triple shot have 2 different head units and are a split shot cannot be used with the triple shot transducer”.

    Calgary, AB
    Posts: 280

    I called the dealer today and they said “Split shot and Triple shot have 2 different head units and are a split shot cannot be used with the triple shot transducer”.

    I asked my contact at Lowrance who’s very high up in Customer service/tech support, and according to him, the Hook2 head units are all the same.

    He tells me it is plug and play. If you purchase the Tripleshot transducer and plug it in, you’ll have access to the SI, but it will take some clicking around in the menus to get it to work (you have to turn it on basically).


    George Burdell
    Posts: 3

    I own a Hook2-5 splitshot, and this info is incorrect. You can only run the TS transducer on the TS model. While the head units maybe the same HW, I don’t know, but the SW is definitely not.

    Franko Beans
    Posts: 1

    I called the dealer today and they said “Split shot and Triple shot have 2 different head units and are a split shot cannot be used with the triple shot transducer”.

    I may be wrong but it sounds like your dealer is either unaware of their products specs which is bad or they knew but were trying to coax you into buying a unit you dont need. (Worse)
    I would deal with someone else in the future.
    I just left ford after 20 years with nonissues because amanager tried to lie to me about a question I already knew the answer to.

    Good luck. Im shoppin too. This forum helped a lot.

    Michael Fast
    Posts: 1

    can you upgrade a Lowrance® HOOK2 4x bullet transducer to a triple shot transducer

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