Splash gaurds

  • grizzly
    Posts: 1105

    Anyone got pictures of splash Gaurds on the back of 208 or other windshield warrior boats. Thanks in advance

    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 485

    I have been talking with Mike at Wave Wacker and Brian at White Cap trying to figure out which way to go. Both people/companies have been great to talk to. I think it’s just going to come down how they mount to the boat for me. All though there is a significant price between to the 2.

    Brian at Whitecap sent me a picture of his product on my same model boat. Try giving him a call to see if he has a picture.

    Posts: 1105

    I bought the white cap splash Gaurds. Don’t have them on yet. Maybe when I get back from fishing next week

    Calgary, AB
    Posts: 280

    Here’s a couple pics of the Wave Wackers on a 208. I wish I had some better pics of them. Note to self. Mike has improved the design over the years, the ones on my 2022 are a much better fit and more solid than the very first prototypes he made me for my 2016.

    I definitely prefer the Wave Wackers to the White Caps.


    1. 7B9ACCC2-7B35-49F7-A500-593D9BD1AABA-scaled.jpeg

    2. C9553DFE-9B72-4BA0-B3F2-C9EE8686ABD4.jpeg

    3. 6041D2C7-176F-429A-9831-72AFF4B594FA.jpeg

    Posts: 1105

    Bought the white caps for my 208 and really happy with them. Buddy of mine helped me put them on and liked them and ordered same ones for his 208. Really good solid splash guards

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