Maps With GPS?

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Hey Guys, Can anyone tell me if Hot Spots or anyone else has come out with a map with GPS on it of Spirit Lake and or West and East Okoboji? Also how is the fishing on these lakes come ”Opener” weekend in the spring? Thanks, Bill

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 145

    Bill, Lakemaster has all of the above on topo type maps with GPS indications were ever you put the pointer. Iowa lakes by Lakemaster

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Bill if the weather is nice the opener is a zoo to say the least.Around 10,000 anglers in the area.I would wait a few weeks after opener.We fish the opener alot and it’s always fun getting out on the water.If your thinking about doing it let me know and I’ll try to get a camping spot lined up for you.
    Ryan Hale

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the info guys. Thanks, Bill

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Hey Bill, here’s a post I put up about this earlier today. (Just read your post here)

    Hope this helps.



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