Report for Sept 21,2003

  • ryan-hale
    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    I did not make it to Spirit Lake this week-end but just got off the phone with a good friend of mine.Eric Goodale and his father Steve were on the lake for a few hours today.They had a day they will not soon forget with a total of 50 smallmouth being caught.They had the ole father son contest going with each calling it a tie at 25 apiece!!!They had 4 fish round 18″ range with alot of others in that were legal.I’ll try to get a few pics from Eric and put them up.

    Ryan Hale

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Ryan, Sounds like Goody had quite a day. Looks like the Iowa Great Lakes continue to produce great Smallies. Looking forward to some fall eye fishin’ buddy!

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Wade were going to get you that 8# eye this fall aren’t we?it will be alot of fun and look forward to getting on the water with you again.
    Ryan Hale

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Hey Ryan, For us who have never been on Spirit Lake but would like to know about Spirit Lake, how would a person go about fishing for small mouth and walleyes? What I have heard is that it is sorta round, sand bottom, shallow and decent for walleyes. Taking a look at it from driving by it I feel there is much more to it. I would like to get Nate down there sometime next year along with a friend who moved back to Fort Dodge Iowa from Rochester, Mn. Would appreciate your sharing, not spots, but how you would fish it on what structure etc. Thanks, Bill

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Bill,Spirit Lake has a max depth of around 22′.Weedlines,rock piles,a few small drop-offs,and the basin are about it.But it is a very good walleye and perch lake.It can also be a awesome smallmouth lake.Also it is always a top producer of muskie.The state record muskie has be broke and re-broke numerous times on this lake.Let me know if you and Nate ever make it down for a few days.
    Ryan Hale

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Ryan, I’m looking at the weather forecast and it looks good so far. Looks like the weatherman is predicting a consistent weather pattern for the next week or so, with highs in the mid-60s. I do believe we’ve got a good shot at a fish in the 25 to 30 inch range. I’m excited already!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks Bud. I’ve always wanted to fish that lake for walleyes and the smallmouth sound good too. How is it for trolling cranks or spinners? Thanks, Bill

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