Roll call for opener 2006

  • wade_kuehl
    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    How many IDA members will be on Okoboji or Spirit Lake for the walleye opener? I’ll be there to meet up with Ryan Hale Sunday through Tuesday for sure. I may try to make it Saturday to play bumber boats too. Who’s going to be there?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    If the weather’s right you should have a blast with the smallies. For $3 I’ll give you all of Ryan Hale’s secret smallie spots!

    Stay in touch prior to opener. Maybe we can get the IDA gang together.

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    I just found out Fiday, I’ll be haeding out Friday the 5th. My son has the whole weekend off and said he wants to fish walleye weekend.(he’s been there for 4 of them already and hasn’t yet) Sounds like his future Father-in-law will go to, so I guess we’re planning on a midnight start and see what happens from there.

    Maybe we can meet up with a few folks


    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Look forward to seeing everybody and of course fishing with Wade.Lets just hope we get some nice weather.
    Ryan Hale

    Posts: 814

    will try to make it back out there for the opener. Need to stop at the good fishermans factory out let as well.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    I’ll be on Spirit around 10 pm Friday trying to beat the rush. Maybe we should reserve a couple tables at the Banquet Sunday afternoon Good luck to all looks like the weather wont be to bad.

    Posts: 100

    I will be on Spirit on Saturday Sunday, and Monday. Rick

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