Spinning reels for small tungsten jugs.

  • Ryan Malo
    Posts: 20

    I’ve watched many videos on the benefits and downfalls of using inline reels vs spinning reels. A big one is line twists and I’ve noticed it on finicky bites. I have a 13 fishing free fall and I’m not a super big fan of it. The drag is not as smooth as I’d like it to be. My question is what size spinning reel and what size line is everyone running for their panfish set ups? Thanks everyone, tight lines!

    Posts: 1719

    I run in-lines 12 to 15′, then Sedonas beyond that. 2# 95% on panfish.

    Ryan Malo
    Posts: 20

    What size Sedona and mono or floro

    Posts: 4564

    Make sure you use the smallest swivel 24″ above your jig, problem solved.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22367

    I run siennas size 500 and a couple okumas. I run 2 and 3 lbs line on. I have a couple black Betty 6061s it’s kind of love hate relationship. The only good bites I got last night were on inline reels. And the fish were finicky as all hell. So im guessing it was the no line twist that helped.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    I personally don’t like the free fall but think the 6061 is a great reel. Clean the reel and put in new grease and drag grease. I don’t like the drag grease 13 fishing uses on their ice reels.

    Posts: 1719

    I use 500’s, mostly mono especially on a spinning reel may use floro on in-lines. For swivels I use invisa-swivels , I believe they’re called. Plastic rather than metal. Usually in the flyfishing dept.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22367

    I personally don’t like the free fall but think the 6061 is a great reel. Clean the reel and put in new grease and drag grease. I don’t like the drag grease 13 fishing uses on their ice reels.

    The 6061 is great besides when I accidentally don’t notice I’m reeling it up around the spool tensioner doah
    I’ve done it enough times it doesn’t happen any more. But it did for a while lol

    Posts: 462

    I use 500’s, mostly mono especially on a spinning reel may use floro on in-lines. For swivels I use invisa-swivels , I believe they’re called. Plastic rather than metal. Usually in the flyfishing dept.

    Those invisa-swivels go through ice rods small eyelets with no problem?

    Posts: 13088

    You shouldn’t real a swivel through any eyelet. Good way to break an eyelet.
    You can take out a bunch of spinning just by stretching your line out with your hand.

    Posts: 1719

    I tie the leader the length of the rod. So it doesn’t go thru the eyelet. Every evening after ice fishing. After they warm up I stretch my line the length of the basement. If I don’t go again for several days. I do it again before I go. Hold the jig, let the swivel do its thing. Stretch the line and hold it for 30 seconds or so. Takes a lot of the line twist out.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2851

    I am a cheapo and I use the Eagle Claw inlines. I belive they are a great bang for the money. When new, lubricate the drag system, spool up, and use. I also really like the free spool button. I just do not believe you can go wrong with these reels. I have several. Do keep in mind I fish for panfish normally, although do catch some big catfish, bass, etc. by mistake, and I normally fish less than 20 feet deep.

    At the intersection of Pools 6 & 7
    Posts: 595

    For small spinning reels I’ve been using Okuma Ceymar 10’s with 3 lb. Sufix Ice Magic. Both working well.

    Ryan Malo
    Posts: 20

    Kwickstick, you don’t get bad line twists with the fluorocarbon? I’ve been told to switch to suffix advanced mono.

    Andy Fischer
    Posts: 67

    Crappies are the only thing I target all winter and I’ve never used an inline reel. Everyone complains about the drag and that is a very important feature on my spinning reels in case I hook into a walleye, bass, or pike. I have several of the Clam Dave Genz spring bobber combos. Not expensive (around $40?), but good drags and are perfect for the line I run. All I use is Sufix InvisiLine- 3 lb. It’s fluorocarbon and I think invisibility of it makes up for some of the line twist. I don’t use swivels either- I tie my jigs directly to the line. I rarely fish water over 40 feet deep, so only spool 60-70 feet of line and then change it out 2-3 times over winter.

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    Schooleys anything under 10-12’ and floro and Ceymar 10s any deeper or when fishing spoons. Schooleys are great once you get used to them and they’re super light !

    At the intersection of Pools 6 & 7
    Posts: 595

    Kwickstick, you don’t get bad line twists with the fluorocarbon? I’ve been told to switch to suffix advanced mono.

    I’m using the Sufix Ice Magic mono in the orange color on my ice fishing spinning reels. I tried flouro on one of my open water spinning reels and it behaved badly. I do have Seguar flourocarbon on an inline ice reel and I like it, no problems.

    At the intersection of Pools 6 & 7
    Posts: 595

    I’m about to list a couple Ghost free falls. They do what they are supposed to do but too fiddly for me. I’d rather strip the line.

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