Spider bite

  • Ryan
    Posts: 107

    Ok gang, have to share my story of my spider bite. Over the 4th of July, I was bit by a spider and it bit me on the back of my leg and directly in back of my kneecap. At first it was the size of a quarter and then grew to the entire width of my leg behind my knee. It was getting worse and started to get darker and darker. Finally it got to be dark purple. Saw the bite mark and a couple days later it put me into a fever of 102 degrees. The fever went down and I was up and playing whiffle ball with my step sons. Went to bed that night and the fever came back. Woke up the next morning feeling warn down. Felt like my body was drained from the spiking of fevers. Finally went to the doc and she put me on antibiotics and now the spider bite is gone with the exception of the area that was bitten looking like a faded bruise. The doc had said it was either a brown recluse or a wolf spider but she had thought more of a wolf spider because the recluse is more in the southern states and had it been the recluse I would’ve had to take the antidote.

    Does anyone know or have had any experience like this with spiders? I live in Wisconsin and this is the first time I’ve ever been bitten like this.


    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    About a month ago,me and brother in law were putting windows in house,he was bite while standing in a large flowerbed.
    The bruising was much the same as you described,but at a much faster rate and the burning feeling was intense,Went Dr next morning,put on antibiotics right away,brown recluse bite is what he was told.
    This was in Devils Lake ND!!
    Evidentally,it happens,Hitchhikers,Devils Lake sees tourists from all over,plants purchased from out of state nurseries,ect.
    In the western part of the state you hear of it,lots of trucks and traffic coming from the south into the oilfields.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    With our warming climate lots of things that were not here only a few years ago have become common. Brown recluse spiders were common in Iowa as far north as Des Moines just a couple years so its entirely possible that they have gotten up into the Dakotas.

    Aaron Kalberer
    Posts: 373

    2 years ago I got bit by a wolf spider, exact same thing happened as you described. Bite was in my ankle and swelled and turned purpleish and looked bruised. I didn’t run a huge fever but did have a slight fever. Sounds like a common occurrence with wolf spider bites.

    Posts: 107

    Very interesting, the area was a little bigger than my fist on the back of my knee and the doc told me that there was a “secondary infection” going on and was starting to wrap around to the sides of my knee. She also confirmed that while it’s a rarity for a recluse, it has happened here in Wisconsin. Hoping it was just a wolf.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I didn’t know wolf spiders could bite you. And here i thought they were already as scary as they could be

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Daddy Long Legs, or whatever their proper name is, can lay a nasty bite on ya too. Most non-venomous spider bites can react to the bite itself and many inflammations can be secondary from bacteria found in the spider’s saliva or mouth parts. Wolf spiders can get huge and yes they will bite if they want to.

    Posts: 107

    here’s a pic of it in the very beginning (that’s when I was laying in the cabin with a fever) before it turned all dark purple.

    1. IMG_1527.jpeg

    Posts: 107

    the skin in the center started peeling off in a circle too.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5292

    This is why we need to eradicate all arachnid…..kill em all.

    Posts: 6688

    I used to be a live and let live kinda guy with spiders…..after seeing that bite, screw that.

    If it has 8 legs I’m squashing it lol

    Posts: 1811

    I woke up one morning, my lip was swollen and numbness down to my neck, anyway went to work, there I asked a coworker what those to holes in my bottom lip were, he said that’s a spider bite. I slept on the sofa for 3 weeks.

    Snake ii’s
    Posts: 556

    “Daddy longlegs” do not posses fangs or have the mouth parts to bite. They feed on detritus. Old wives tale………….

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    Oh hell no. If you take a flash light to my siding at night you will see wolf spiders running in to the creases. I’m going to call insurance now. Because I’m going to burn it down when I get home

    Posts: 5321

    Just a side note here, but when I took my youngest into the urgent care for an inflamed bite the doc and nurses said they were seeing a large increase of infected bug bites this year.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1404

    This is why we need to eradicate all arachnid…..kill em all.

    I’m with you!!! These rare, or not so rare, spider bites are the exact reason I despise spiders. No Thanks!

    Oh hell no. If you take a flash light to my siding at night you will see wolf spiders running in to the creases. I’m going to call insurance now. Because I’m going to burn it down when I get home

    I Wouldn’t be able to handle seeing them all over the house! Get the Torch!!!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    “Daddy longlegs” do not posses fangs or have the mouth parts to bite. They feed on detritus. Old wives tale………….

    Harvestmen aren’t even spiders. They are one of those things I miss. Harvestmen and jumping spiders were so common back home. I don’t think I have ever seen a harvestmen down here and maybe only a half dozen, if that, jumping spiders.

    It’s funny how I find long legged spiders creepy, but never had a fear of daddy long legs. No fear of jumping spiders either, even after being tagged by one. I think it is because their behavior is different from other spiders. They don’t creep around and will deliberately interact with you.

    Posts: 107

    LOL, you guys are hilarious. Antibiotics are kicking in, thank god. Be careful guys, that’s all I’m saying about this and after my experience.


    Posts: 19770

    just call this guy…problem solved….

    1. test.jpg

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    Fun fact: one wolf spider can lay over 100 eggs at one time. Sleep well.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    I’ve never been bit by a spider and after reading all this I really hope I’m never bitten! Yikes. I like spiders and enjoy observing them, but I should probably try harder to refrain from picking them up and playing with them. smirk

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    There was a report on the news a few years back about a brown recluse biting a 4 year old in Garrison, MN. Unlike Silver Carp, they are here.

    “sleep well” and with your mouth closed. )

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Wolf spider in my pool with babies on her back. F this. I have to gently net her and remove her or she’s going to shed all of them and I have to hope they hit the skimmer before the next time I swim.

    1. 15647440435112414753225436994089.jpg

    Posts: 107

    Wolf spider in my pool with babies on her back. F this. I have to gently net her and remove her or she’s going to shed all of them and I have to hope they hit the skimmer before the next time I swim.

    OMG…that’s so gross. Hope you got all of them out!

    Posts: 107

    There was a report on the news a few years back about a brown recluse biting a 4 year old in Garrison, MN. Unlike Silver Carp, they are here.

    “sleep well” and with your mouth closed. )

    Was talking with a friend of mine last night and he thought it was a recluse that had bit me according to the pic I posted in this thread. Each bite takes a different toll from what I hear. Also told me that wolf spiders couldn’t bite like this. Who knows, all I know is that this bite put me down and out with spiking fevers that were 102.

    Posts: 107

    I’ve never been bit by a spider and after reading all this I really hope I’m never bitten! Yikes. I like spiders and enjoy observing them, but I should probably try harder to refrain from picking them up and playing with them. smirk

    Are you kiddin me??!!!! LOL ooohhhhh heck no, not here.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    OMG…that’s so gross. Hope you got all of them out!

    I thought I did until the wife pointed out some stragglers. They’ll get skimmed or the pool guy will get them today.

    By the way my pool guy is a from Wisconsin.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5292

    Wolf spider in my pool with babies on her back. F this. I have to gently net her and remove her or she’s going to shed all of them and I have to hope they hit the skimmer before the next time I swim.

    You need to move.

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