Species Identification

  • John West
    Posts: 10

    My friend caught this the other day and I have failed to identify it. The tail seems very unique, I should have gotten photos of the fin rays for further id but I didn’t, any guess?

    1. Snapchat-1875404240.jpg

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 711


    Posts: 5126

    I’d say its an Emerald Shiner with a damaged tail.

    Buffalo Fishhead
    Posts: 310

    I’d say its an Emerald Shiner with a damaged tail.

    I agree, emerald shiner, and the tail is definitely damaged.

    Buffalo Fishhead

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 170

    Pretty sure that’s a Green Sunfish…

    Posts: 70

    Looks like a spottail shiner to me. The caudal spot is hard to see with the damaged tail but a little bit is still visible. Emerald shiners mouths tend to be more forward facing.

    1. Screenshot_20200723-205849_Chrome.jpg

    Posts: 70

    You bet. If you haven’t been there before this is a great place to look up info on fish identification.

    Fish ID

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    It would help tremendously if you listed where you caught it or at least the type of water.

    John West
    Posts: 10

    I will do so in the future, It was caught in John’s river, north carolina. It is a river that is connected to the catawba river.

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