Disgusted Bass Fisherman

  • red89
    Posts: 918

    Well today on my way home from work, I go by a little lake and up ahead I see a couple kids running across the road with poles and bass in hand. These kids were lugging two 5 lb.+ (not exaggerating) largemouth across the road with them to their next fishing spot. I assume the fish are dead, but I just had to turn around and go talk to them. Well I turn around and see them running to a car to who I assume was their mom. Pop my head out the window and say “you know it is illegal to keep those fish.” The lady tells me something about trout season being open, and I tell her well bass is not and you should not be letting those kids keep those fish because you could get a huge fine. She acted like I was doing her a favor telling her that so she wouldn’t get in trouble, but I was obviously disgusted. Considered calling the dnr, but didn’t know if it would make a difference. It was pretty sad seeing those huge dead bass, she said the one was 21 inches. Up until last fall I had never broken the 21 inch mark, so it was basically trophy size for me, and I would never keep a fish like that.

    Makes a guy wonder how many illegal fish are kept everyday. Being a small lake and out of season it bothered me even more. Wish the whole thing was catch and release only. Didn’t really want to scare the kids away from fishing by having somebody come write their mom fines, but who knows… I think they were only about 12.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Sounds like ignorance all around…not that it’s necessarily an excuse

    Posts: 918


    Sounds like ignorance all around…not that it’s necessarily an excuse

    I blame the mother, Don’t expect 12 year olds to know the regulations. I should of titled this “Bad Parenting”

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    Eh…hopefully they kept more of those Grass Carp…

    chris dymale
    west bend, wi
    Posts: 57

    I would have turned them in with the plate number. They would have gotten a slap on the wrist, but if someone doesnt stop them now, who is to say if they ever break the streak of cheating.
    They will never learn true sportsmanship which is doing the right thing at the right time–even when nobody is around!!!!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    The proper thing to do would’ve been to call the DNR, it’s just as disgusting that you didn’t. IMHO you turning a blind eye to the law is no better than the kids or their mother, same difference.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Would have been a shame to turn a couple of poachers in training off to fishing.

    MN - Metro
    Posts: 28

    I guess we better get the WSU fishing club out to partol the lakes. Haha.

    On a serious note though – that really sucks to see. I’m sure its about the same way I feel when I see a dead musky floating around. Its hard to know that there’s nothing you can really do.

    Hopefully those kids and their mom learned something today, so this won’t be repeated again in the future.

    Posts: 559

    I’m not surprised. You wouldn’t believe how many so called sportsman no only take fish outa season but have way over their possesion limits in the freezer.Even with a license in hand they think its their right to rape the resourse. These 2 young boys are being taught well! Shoulda made the call!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 282

    Forget the kid, Obviously its wrong and hopefully they will learn the regulations with age. What makes me mad Drive by Treasure Island in the spring and see how many (non english speaking people) keeping out of season fish on the vermillion. Ive called the DNR multiple times and they want a ton of specific info. They just need to go down there and write out a bunch of fines! Im all for everyone having a good time fishing on the river but not speaking english(which makes me want to rage in the first place) is not a excuse for poaching. I wish I was younger Id walk down the shore and kick all their buckets in the water.(Was a fun time in my younger years on lakeville area lakes.)

    Posts: 145

    There are a ton of fishermen out there that cheat. I was talking to one the other day who was bragging about being out already catching bass, walleyes and northerns. He was using beetle spins and if a warden asks, he’d tell them he was panfishing. He’s out several days a week right up until the opener. Many guys don’t see anything wrong about catch and release before the seasons open. At least he’s not keeping any.

    Posts: 89

    this is a tough one…and I’m a rabid C&R guy…

    young kids just caught one of the most exciting fish of their lives…it’s hard to let it go…I remember catching a 5lb largie on a crappie jig as a youngster…I stringered that gal up and lugged her all around the lake until my folks showed up…then put in in the trunk took it home and fileted it… back then I did not know better. Fact it took a couple of years to get to where I ‘figured it out’…

    Those kids will be excited about fishing for life…chances are as they grow/evolve as anglers, they’ll really catch on to C&R and understand the value of those big fish…

    Mom probably doesn’t fish much, but give her credit for getting/letting her kids out to do it…

    If a CO did get the chance to talk to those kids…I’d hope he’d explain the rules…allow that the fish weren’t going to survive…and encourage the kids to eat those fish…but let them go next time.

    A dead fish is too bad…a dead fish that just gets thrown away is worse…

    anyway you slice it, the situation sucks…

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    Get used to it around Winona and especially around the Winona Lakes. With the early ice out and all the folks that shore fish the Winona Lakes there is going to be a LOT of that going on this year. I have seen this countless times over the years and have called the DNR many times but I am not sure if folks are ignorant or just don’t care. It is frustrating for sure

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561


    I agree with Kurt

    X2 on that

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    I always wonder how they can let anybody fish Lake Winona (or any of the other lakes in town) with anything other than a crappie jig and a bobber until Bass opener in May.

    I see people fishing it every night…..Not hard to spot someone chucking a spinner bait around from the road. Guess the local CO’s just don’t care?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Those kids will be excited about fishing for life…chances are as they grow/evolve as anglers, they’ll really catch on to C&R and understand the value of those big fish…

    Mom probably doesn’t fish much, but give her credit for getting/letting her kids out to do it…

    If a CO did get the chance to talk to those kids…I’d hope he’d explain the rules…allow that the fish weren’t going to survive…and encourage the kids to eat those fish…but let them go next time.

    I can’t be as understanding. I don’t blame the OP for not getting involved, but certainly having a CO step in would have been nice. Perhaps it would have ‘scared the kids straight’ and taught the mother a lesson. I mean if they were truly ignorant, then it would have cleared things up and put them on the right course, all three of them. Or if the mother knew what she was doing, then she would have gotten what was coming to her and perhaps the kids would have learned a valuable lesson. If the latter is true, like I said, these kids are learning the wrong lesson from mom who is teaching the kids that the rules don’t apply to them.

    Posts: 89


    I can’t be as understanding. I don’t blame the OP for not getting involved, but certainly having a CO step in would have been nice. Perhaps it would have ‘scared the kids straight’ and taught the mother a lesson. I mean if they were truly ignorant, then it would have cleared things up and put them on the right course, all three of them. Or if the mother knew what she was doing, then she would have gotten what was coming to her and perhaps the kids would have learned a valuable lesson. If the latter is true, like I said, these kids are learning the wrong lesson from mom who is teaching the kids that the rules don’t apply to them.

    I do not disagree with this…at the very least it was a ‘teachable moment’…that didn’t happen. ‘Normally’ kids would be out with the folks…and this discussion would happen inside the family…at the moment of truth…

    That’s what I like to think we all would do…

    But to the point: illegal is illegal…and as I’ve found out first hand ‘ignorance of the law is no excuse’…

    It’s a good thread/good topic to discuss anytime it comes up…

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Here are the positives for me.

    1) A parent took their kid and his friend fishing.
    2) 2 kids put their video games down and went fishing.
    3) A concerned angler took the time to stop and say something to them.

    I don’t condone the action. However with all the problems we face daily it is refreshing that these kids are fishing vs what they could be doing. Is it out of season? Yes. But looking beyond that I feel something good will come of this. Hopefully the kids will continue to fish. Hopefully somebody takes the time to explain regulations to them.

    Before we want to string up 2 kids who are 12 years old, lets remember back to when we went fishing as kids. Were we intentionally targeting out of season fish? Or were we just looking for the “tug” on the end of the line? My guess is these kids were pretty darn proud of what they caught and maybe even didn’t know the species.

    Maybe I didn’t explain this well but I don’t view this as “poaching”. Please be gentle on ripping me.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    how old are the kids? isn’t there a law that kids under a certain age, can fish when ever and where ever without a size limit in Minnesota?

    I was at a bait shop this week and a guy told me that..

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Rat –

    Excellent Point. I think we need to encourage the young ones to get outside and someone needs to show them the way to respect the resource. If there was no “man” there to show them, maybe someone should have stopped.

    Kudos for the old queen to take the boys out to wet a line.

    Heck, she could have just told them to hit the old play station


    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 201

    With 12 year old kids you can only hope they don’t know the laws. I’m quite certain I was older than that before I understood the dual opener thing. I think a good informational lecture explaining the laws and the reasoning behind them would have been in order. Also, maybe letting the mom know that she, being the adult, would be ultimately responsible if they did get caught by the CO, and could be risking fines and confiscation of property, including the car she used to transport them. I have straightened out kids catching early Bass before, and they have mostly been receptive to me. On the occasions that they got mouthy with me, I simply called the Warden and informed him of what was happening so he could stop by and pay them a visit.

    Bloomington Wi.
    Posts: 40

    I have fished near a fella that keeps everything that is legal,and when he is done he tries to give the bass away,and if he can’t he will take them home and through them in the garbage. I took them from him once and let them go,now he won’t give them to me. I think them kids were more right than that [censored] was for destroying them bass.I talked to a ranger and he said that the bass were his and he had a right to do what he wanted to with them.

    Posts: 89


    I have fished near a fella that keeps everything that is legal,and when he is done he tries to give the bass away,and if he can’t he will take them home and through them in the garbage. I took them from him once and let them go,now he won’t give them to me. I think them kids were more right than that [censored] was for destroying them bass.I talked to a ranger and he said that the bass were his and he had a right to do what he wanted to with them.

    one man’s trash is another man’s treasure…I know guys who toss carp on the bank…break beaks off of gar…hate pike and muskie…think any fish NOT a crappie or a walleye is a pure waste of space.

    I studied fish in college because they were and still are very fascinating organisms…and I love to fish…for them all…although I fish bass just about 100% of the time because I love the many different techniques/locations and approaches it takes to play with them…

    Can agree with the anger/frustration of some of the views out there…all a guy can do is visit as pleasantly as possible over the topic when/where it is observed…

    but it’s rarely worth the spike in blood pressure…

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