Coon Lake near east bethel minnesota

  • bob_bergeson
    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Hye guys was out on coon all day with no success. It was very frustrating hearing such good things about it and no bass. I flipped milfoil threw senkos, drop shot, swim jig everythin I had no keepers. I feel it is so weedy I do not no where to start. I tried dropoffs but it seemed all so flat and sandy no weedlines.And no real drop off all kind of gradual.If You guys have any tips where I can get some nice largies out of this lake, all the help would be greatly appreciated.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    You might be in the middle of the post spawn blues on Coon. That lake will produce on the docks and reeds once they get going and then for the deep stuff, you can get away with the obvious stuff on the maps for starters, then once you fish it a few times you’ll see that there aren’t many secrets out there anymore.

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Thank you so if I were to go out there tommorow I shoud hit the reeds and docks?

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    That’s what I would do. Your issues may be more of a timing with the spawn. I’ve heard a lot of guys have been having trouble all over the metro.

    You can generally find them shallow in that lake year round, haven’t been out there this year so not sure on lake levels. They should be cruising the inside weedlines or in the pockets in the reeds.

    The deep bite as I’ve found it has been more of a cranking pattern out from the weedline in the 12-20 ft range but not sure if they would be set up out there yet. If you are going to fish deep, I would concentrate on the east lake.

    This lake has really been pounded the last few years as well so check to see if there have been any big tourneys out there lately and avoid going there around those dates.

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Thank you for the info would they hit senkos and stuff in the reeds

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380


    Senkos, spinnerbaits, swim jigs, flukes, toads. Just depends on the day, such is fishing.

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Thank you now were could i find the best reeds on the west or east lake

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    There are fish in the reeds on both lakes. A lot (not all) of the reeds on the West lake are shallow so if the water levels are low, they may not be as good.

    One more thing, I have had days out there where it’s been real tough then all of a sudden at dusk I start hammering them so keep that in mind.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    I also have alot of spots out there and I can tell you one thing, you can get on em one day and the next day you can’t buy a bite. so you have to go back to the basics, slow down and fish slow!!! sometimes people get to working jigs to fast and they want to go slow, downsize or upsize. right now all over the metro the fishing patterns are different on every lake, one might be just finishing the spawn and another one might be 2 or 3 weeks into post spawn and summer patterns. I can tell you that there are some huge lunkers out there, just got to go and find your spots and work em. I can’t give you any of my spots out there, I am going to be fishing a thursday night league out there on the 18th of june.


    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Thanks shane I am just wondering if I should fish shallow or deep

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    a few things to key in on, you can look shallow, see what you can find there, you can always go and put the trolling motor down and start working docks and stuff like that, I usually have better luck on that lake in the 4-6 FOW then I do deeper, but I can also find some docks that are sitting on deeper water that hold fish pretty good as well. so for this week, I would look to go deeper with the cloud cover and the rain, work deeper weed edges, deeper transition areas.


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