Just got back from Falcon Lake TX where it was 86 degrees when we left Fri.am. Fishing was TOUGH! Lake is the highest it has ever been in 25 years. We were flipp’n cactus and deer stands ! We fished from Fri.30th Jan. till this last Friday and lucky to have caught a total of 30 fish all week in my boat. One group tallied a couple of 25# stringers/5 fish but overall SLOW. In our group of 6 we had a 9.2#,8.9# a few 7#+, numerous 6’s and 5’s. The quality was there but not quantity. Two buddies hired a local stick and they only caught 9 fish all day. Would love to return when water is much lower but a 21 hr. road trip will take awhile to recoup from
. E-mail me if you need any info about roads or hotels etc. By the way Ish was there during our trip and snapped a few picks of his rig and his cheeseburger
February 8, 2009 at 7:04 pm