Good Day on my Favorite Lake

  • Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5711

    Spent the morning on my favorite East Metro lake. The action wasn’t fast and furious but steady steady for quite a while. As usual I was using the flyrod. Most of these fish were caught using topwaters but several were found along the weedline. Todays’s experiment was with a leech imitation they use in Alaska, an “articulated bunny leech”. It’s made of rabbit fur and two hooks tied in tandom. I thought it looked great and the Bass agreed. I can’t wait to throw one of these flies at a Mille Lacs Smallmouth.
    I was targeting the back edges of the weed clumps, docks, and harder bottom areas. The sunfish are still spawning and you can find the occasional Bass cruising along chasing these sunfish. Watch for the distrurbances right up tight to the shoreline. It’s really exciting to see the V-shaped wake of a 20 inch Largemouth heading towards your fly.

    Great day to be on the water, I wait all year for these hot days when the Bass get wound up.


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