Fluorocarbon Observations from last night

  • willie boy
    Cornhusker Central ... HELP!
    Posts: 241

    Okay, I’m feeling a bit like that kid in the story about the Emperor who had some new clothes made…but appeared to be naked…

    Last night I went out to a local lake (~50 acres) to see if I could find some bass. Was expecting to be tossing jig/chunk as thinking water temps would be low 50’s.

    Not so, water temps were up to 62°F and could see fish moving in the shallows. Put down the MH rod and picked up my 6-6 Medium action Compre with 10# Trilene flouro to start slinging flukes…started out with black, and caught a nice fish…(insert photo here later)…moved over to white pearl and continued contacting fish.

    Fish were tight to shoreline with some cover (wood) …

    While I ‘went’ for about 15 or so ranging in size from 10 inches up to ‘somewhere’ around 15″…there were some things I noticed that I also struggled with and feel they were ‘line/flouro’ related.

    1. When fishing flukes with mono, I’m accustomed to watching the floating portion for telltale ticks/movements. Couldn’t see this/do this with the flouro.

    2. I’m also used to being able to feel a definite ‘tick’ as the fish sucks in the bait…did not once feel that last night with flouro…

    3. Stretch: I know that mono stretches…but I have to tell you that I’ve stuck many a fish on this set up with mono…but last night, there was seemingly an awful lot of give in the system…bet I missed half as many fish as I stuck…they’d get moving, I’d reel up and try to set the hook…but nothing…

    $20 worth of flouro on this reel…I’m going to keep trying for a bit…but man, I have to say, personally, I would have been better off with mono…

    However, on the bright side: abrasion resistance was excellent.

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