blue-fleck Dresbach, MNPosts: 7872 July 30, 2007 at 12:13 am #1320715 Here’s a creative twist on a new scent.
shane huskey holmen wiPosts: 56 July 30, 2007 at 1:59 am #595177 ya know i dont see any purple flake in those……..
BassHog Wind Lake, WIPosts: 215 July 30, 2007 at 3:44 am #595213 Hopefully the sizes are more consistant than their other tube models.
zombywuff IllinoisPosts: 354 July 30, 2007 at 2:59 pm #595300 Sounds great for those early morning tourneys, when you can’t find a Kwik-Trip open before meeting your partner at the ramp. Just pop a few of these in your mouth and you’re good to go for the rest of the day!
timdomaille Rochester MnPosts: 1908 July 30, 2007 at 5:30 pm #595339 Why is it Jim, I can see you chewing on one of those!
blue-fleck Dresbach, MNPosts: 7872 July 30, 2007 at 7:43 pm #595384 This is officially the 1000 post in this forum.
timdomaille Rochester MnPosts: 1908 July 30, 2007 at 8:18 pm #595393 You have way too much time on your hands Blue!!
zombywuff IllinoisPosts: 354 July 30, 2007 at 11:26 pm #595453 Quote: Why is it Jim, I can see you chewing on one of those! Because I was the guy who always “tested stuff out back” in the early 70’s!