Best Slop Bite, Sunny day or Cloudy??

  • haywood04
    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    As you may guess the slop bite can be fun this time of year.
    Have you found that the bite is better during sunny days or on cloudy or low light conditions?
    For me, duckweed, (which can be key) moves with wind direction. I have found that the sunny day will concentrate them under the light duck weed.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 162

    i found either one is good, as long as there was some sort of overcast or fog.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Hey Haywood,
    I would have to say my best times Froggin pads, and scum weeds, would be when IT is more sunny and not many clouds. I feel the sun, keeps the bass in the shady areas. I also feel that there should be some bluegill or minnows in these weedy areas to keep and hold bass in there. If you see no smaller fish, and the froggin is slow or no bites, move to a different area that has food for the bass.
    Good Luck,

    MPLS, MN
    Posts: 42

    I always have the best luck in pads where
    there isn’t any other weeds in front of them.
    Doesn’t matter if its cloudy or sunny.

    fishing vet
    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 302

    When I am pre fishing or fun fishing I will always try the slop.

    When the sun is high and no clouds I have caught some nice fish and I think that the sun drives them into the cover.

    I have caught them on cloudy days and they seem to be a little bigger bass at these times.

    But the best slop days that I have ever had is when there is a slight drizzle or even a little rain. Most of the guys I fish aginst say that they won’t even try it in the rain but I have caught some monsters in the drizzle.

    It may sound funny but my uncle taught me 10 years ago that if you are by the pads and the sunnies are popping the surface, it is a great day for topwater. That has worked for me more times than not.

    Watch your surroundings.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I agree with everything that Jason just said

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