here is some actin that I had today on chisago.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Fishing by Species » Smallmouth & Largemouth Bass » 2007 Bass Photos
ok ok, i know you all probably already seen this picture, but here is lanes biggest for this year, aslo his first largie ever.
Nothing huge, but a pretty good sized smallie for the tiny DuPage River. 16″ 2lbs 1oz, caught on a 1/4oz Rattlin Rap.
wow Jim—that water looks like chocolate milk
Visability was about 6″!
this is a couple weeks ago. Ace monday night tourney, 2 fish for 7-5. unfortunately they were not enough to beat the mega 8-5 that came in that night!
earlier this year.
Cade, you’re following only 1 of the 3 rules for professional bass anglers:
1) Remove your sunglasses for pics so fans can see your face.
2) Don’t dump your entire weigh-in bag on your shorts.
3) Always carry a few extra pounds of 1 oz Carolina rig sinkers to feed your bass in case your limit is short of your competitors.
Just kiddin’, great fish. Sounds like you’re still on them. I feel sorry for those guys up there once you get a bass boat and start entering more tourneys. They might as well just hand over their money before the day starts and save themselves the hassle.
Yur Rednick Buddee,
1) Remove your sunglasses for pics so fans can see your face.
No one hear wants to look at Cade’s face.
Just kidding Cade. Just kidding.
My largest smallie of this season at 20 inches. It came on a tube on Mille Lacs.
lol thanks Tom R.. funny, I always seem to dump the bag of water either on myself, the ground, or in this case, Zac’s boat
Blue, So what’s your excuse, The sunglasses are glued to your face in most of your pictures!!!
Wade, That thing is a hog! How much did she weigh? she looks well over 5 to me!
So what’s your excuse, The sunglasses are glued to your face in most of your pictures!!!
Light sensitive eyes. Yes, sunglasses are glued to my eyes. If I don’t wear them, I get headaches.
That’s why I have 3 pair of sunglasses in my truck.
Wade, That thing is a hog! How much did she weigh? she looks well over 5 to me!
I’m not sure Cade. It was 20-inches plus a bit, and pure muscle. I would guess it at 5lbs.
Wade, That thing is a hog! How much did she weigh? she looks well over 5 to me!
I’m not sure Cade. It was 20-inches plus a bit, and pure muscle. I would guess it at 5lbs.
That would make my 20.5″er a 5lb’er…
——————————————————————————–Wade, That thing is a hog! How much did she weigh? she looks well over 5 to me!
I’m not sure Cade. It was 20-inches plus a bit, and pure muscle. I would guess it at 5lbs.
That would make my 20.5″er a 5lb’er…
Whatchutalkinbout Willis! My fish would’ve eaten your fish for breakfast! She was as big around as a tree! She had shoulders like a… Ahhhh, nevermind.
Cade, clearly it was a 6.5 pound fish.
lol blue, I was j/k too
No problem. Now everyone knows why I wear a welding helmet when I’m outside.
lol blue, I was j/k too
No problem.
Now everyone knows why I wear a welding helmet when I’m outside.
I know 2 things Capt. Smartypants. #1 I can net fish. #2 That net will look mighty funny sticking out of your ………
Oh Oh….Muskygirl is in the bass forum? Is she sick or something?
No……this year I decided to target bass and learn all I can about using plastics. My first mission was to master the SENKO. I started out with a pack of BPS’s crawberry stik-o’s and on the first cast hooked into a bass. Been out a half a dozen times this summer just targeting bass and have just over 20 getting in the boat. I am hoping to target the smallies this fall and try out the whole grub/tube thing I have been hearing about.
Here are a couple of the nicer ones from this summer so far. Nothing compared to what you guys lug in but it is a start.
Great to see you catching some BASS.
Looks like a lot of docks behind you in some of those pics. Don’t be afraid to throw those back under those docks, and under the pontoon boats. Rig 5″ Senko’s on a 4/0 EWG hook, and heavy line.
Let’s see some more pics…
ok here is my personal best so far for the year, 19″ 5 lb 7oz largie from chisago on a black/blue 8″ lizard on a 5/0 mustad hook in 7 FOW.
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