I have been fishing power pro for a very long time with swim jigs on my 7 foot MH lightning rod, and I have always loved that THUMP you feel right when a 3-4 lber takes your jig..But I have been having serious problems lately with braid snapping on hooksets and what not….Of course everybody says you must be tying a bad knot, but it’s not breaking at the knot. I’m breaking it off above the polymer(I glue my knots too) and its just sickening. Lost a 2.5-3 lb class fish this morning around 7:30 and lost the swim jig too I can’t take this crap any more so I switched to 14 lb gamma today. I tell you it is taking some time getting used to it but I got to try it out for about 45 minutes tonight and loved it. It has stretch but that seems necessary for the kind of smack I’m putting on ’em. this way I can let it rip and not have to worry about my line breaking…plus this stuff is tough as nails! I missed some big bites in the beginning because I was not used to the more mushy feel you get with stretchier lines, but once I got used to it, I stuck 3 nice keepers (3#, 2#, 2#) and several dinks. Just thought I would share what I found with gamma since a lot of people have been talking about different line choices lately. So far, I am impressed!
April 30, 2007 at 2:14 am