Large Mouth Bass Fall Pattern

  • Rusty21
    Posts: 50

    Anyone have some insight on the fall pattern for Large Mouths on small Minnesota ponds/reservoirs?

    I realize catching a large mouth isn’t rocket science, but I am curious if there are any particular patterns that could help me zero in on the big girls.

    I have a awesome 50 or so acre resevoir near home that gets relatively low fishing pressure and very few fish are taken out. So I know there are a lot of big girls in there, just not sure how to locate them via canoe and or kayak other than just casting the obvious shore line structure and weeds..

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    First thing you should do is take me with you

    OK, in the Fall I will spend some time looking for the greenest weeds I can find. It’s worth the effort. Sooner or later the Bass will be using that weedbed. Throw crankbaits down there and dredge some up to see what they look like. Secondly, be aware that weeds die off in the Fall shallow to deep. This will create a well defined inside weedline. I’ve caught a lot of big Fall fish in very shallow water along that inside edge. And finally, Fall is a season of extremes. The fishing is either spectacular or horrible. Keep banging away and it will happen!

    Looking forward to a picture of you holding up that personal best Bass!


    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 578

    You can do basically anything you want to catch fall bass, as dumb as that sounds. Top water is normally the first thing to try just because it’s a blast and in the fall it’s the best time of year to toss a spook. Personally I throw nothing but topwater, cranks, rattle traps, a swim jig, and occasionally I’ll flip some deeper brush. It’s the best time of year to look at a new lake because you throw basically all reaction baits because the fish are just chewing. My personal belief is that if you have to go finesse to catch fish, you’re in the wrong spot in the fall.

    Like mentioned, fall fishing is either dynamite or terrible. Reason being, the fish school up majorly. I don’t necessarily look for weeds, although you can catch good fish there. I will always look for baitfish. When you find bait, you WILL find bass in the fall. Normally you will see the bait busting the water on top, not the actual bass. That’s where you know you’ve got a good school.
    Good luck on the Pond!

    Posts: 50

    Right on, that should keep me busy Saturday. Is the fall bite consistent throughout the day or more during the usual dawn and dusk low light periods?

    Looks like there is a low pressure front coming through also, hopefully that gets em fired up.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727


    Is the fall bite consistent throughout the day or more during the usual dawn and dusk low light periods?

    It depends on water temp and sun light. When the water starts getting cold a little sunlight can get them going.

    Posts: 3696

    If all else fails, try throwing out 3-4 inch sucker minnows on bobbers near the green weed line. Morning bite best in the Fall IMO.

    Posts: 776

    When I go late oct thru dec I never worry about hitting the water till after 10am the sun needs to warm things up and the fishing gets better till almost sunset then slows fast! Let the fish tell you what they want I’ve caught them on beavers,tubes,jigs and finness worms.

    Posts: 50

    Success! Hit on a prop top water bait after sunset. Kayaked all afternoon with no hits till this girl. 20+”

    Posts: 776

    My brother and I fished from 12 to 4.30 today and caught about 30 Bass,he had 1 over 5 and 2 over 4lbs ,I had 3 over 4#s we caught a bunch of fish 16″ to 19″ too. most of the big fish were buy green coontail clumps in 6′ to 8′ of water we only caught little fish over 8′. the wind was cold and the water was 46deg. all fish were caught on 1/2 oz jigs and 3/8 oz flappn hawgs!


    Posts: 3696

    Okay its a smallmouth but probably my last of the year…caught this aft and measured in at 19 1/2″. Significant for me in that I caught it on a lure I have had no success with and therefore little confidence – until now! 1/2 Terminator jig with a chigger craw trailer, pumpkin green.

    Posts: 776

    Very nice fish my brother can’t get the pictures off his phone of our fish yesterday.

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