Fluorocarbon Line

  • ryan-mcmahon
    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 165

    So, I know that I’m a little late to the party with this stuff but I just picked up some 12lb Seaguar fluorocarbon line for a couple bass rods this spring. I have been using heavy fluoro leaders on my musky set-ups for years now and love it… but a 14″ leader with 130# doesn’t really give me an idea of how 12# will perform on a spool.

    I’ve heard that it can be tough to work with… Is this true? what can I expect with this stuff? Any tips or tricks? what knots do you guys like to use?

    Posts: 1054

    spinning or bait caster? 12lb will be tough on spinning. I use Seaguar 12lb on several bait casters and really like it I fish very clear NW WI lakes and it does help. The best knot I have found is the Eugene bend for connecting jigs and hooks. On spinning I use braid and fluoro leaders. I get to many tangled messes with straight fluoro. I attach fuoro to braid with modified albright knot. Easy to tie.


    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1920

    Using fluorocarbon has gotten a little out of hand, and many people use it for techniques in which another line would serve better. It should work fine on baitcasting reels, spinning reels is where it has major problems. If it gets coily spraying some silicone (inexpensive) or reel magic (expensive) on the spool will help. I like fluoro mainly for jigs and sometimes crankbaits. Be careful if you ever backlash or kink the line at all, because it’s less forgiving than mono and will break easier if it has a kink in it. Just for good measure I’ll throw in the old, fluoro sinks, so don’t use it for topwaters (this has been repeated in articles and websites ad nauseum, almost being thrown around as much as the good old “it’s a reaction strike).

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 165

    Good stuff guys! That’s funny Crawdaddy, maybe I’ll change my username to “Reaction Strike”… I like the fluoro lead idea for spinning set-up. I’m already having nightmares of coiled up line coming off the spool 20 yards at a time.

    I use a spinning set up a lot in early season to cast out my light smallie jigs. That will be perfect! I also fish NW Wisconsin a lot for early season smallies. It’s funny cause braid never seems to bother them too much… but here’s another cliche’.. I’m always looking for that added advantage.

    Good to know about the reel magic. I always keep some of that handy in the boat.

    Thanks again guys.

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    Which Seagaur Flour. did you pick up?? I have tried Invisx and it is real smooth and casts great but IMO a little too stretchy. On the other hand, red label (cheaper) is not as limp and can be a little stiff as described above.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 165

    I got the InvisX. I noticed the stretch just when tugging on a 2′ section by hand. That will take a little getting used to for me…

    Posts: 3696

    Try Yozuri Hybrid next time…I switched over to that from Invizx. Much less stretch, stronger and more abrasion resistant (nicks on traditional fluorocarbon are a bad deal, especially around zebra mussels on Mille Lacs).

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    I throw a lot of stuff on spinning rods, mostly 10lb test. I found that although that seaguar tatsu is stupid expensive, it is sooo soft and is a dream on spinning rods. The invizx i would always let out behind my boat and untwist it after i spooled it on. You dont have to with that tatsu awesome stuff

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 165

    Cool guys, I’ll look into those after I get a chance to try this stuff. Thanks… Now I’ll probably spend more money!

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643

    I liked that line when I tried it. Lately I have gone to a braided line with a fluro leader.

    Posts: 3696


    I throw a lot of stuff on spinning rods, mostly 10lb test. I found that although that seaguar tatsu is stupid expensive, it is sooo soft and is a dream on spinning rods. The invizx i would always let out behind my boat and untwist it after i spooled it on. You dont have to with that tatsu awesome stuff

    Curious if you found Tatsu to have less stretch than Invizx?

    South Minneapolis, Minnesota
    Posts: 134

    On everything but my deep-crankbait and topwater set-ups, I spool my spinning and baitcasting reels with braid and tie on fluorocarbon leaders with uni-to-uni knots.

    Braid for strength and sensitivity; fluoro for invisibility.

    When flipping in heavily stained water, however, (or when reaction bites are coming quickly on the fall) I will forgo the fluoro leader and tie directly to braid. I use Palomar knots to tie to both fluoro and braid.

    For deep cranking, I spool straight fluoro (although I do often back the spool with some old braid). Pairing deep cranks with the right size of fluoro can get you the best depth with the best sensitivity.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 165

    Thanks again for all this feed back guys. I’m thinking that the fluoro leader is the way to go in most situations.

    Posts: 56

    I haven’t tried tatsu, but invisx is tops in my book so far

    Posts: 3696



    I throw a lot of stuff on spinning rods, mostly 10lb test. I found that although that seaguar tatsu is stupid expensive, it is sooo soft and is a dream on spinning rods. The invizx i would always let out behind my boat and untwist it after i spooled it on. You dont have to with that tatsu awesome stuff

    Curious if you found Tatsu to have less stretch than Invizx?

    I tried Tatsu as a fluorocarbon leader to my braid for the first time yesterday. Hard to tell after just one use but it seems less “stretchy” than Invizx. I can’t tell yet if that means a higher breaking strength but could be. I want to use it consistently for awhile on different rigs and maybe report back.

    IMO its got to be A LOT better to charge $40 for 200 yards. We’ll see…

    Posts: 1

    I have tried 4 kinds of fluor, red lable,invizx,burkley 100 % and p-line and I have lost too many fish on the hook set and I will never use again. Maybe when they improve the knot strength and cost. I tried 10 # and 15 #. Fluor might work if you change it a lot but that cost to much. I only put on 50 yrds. at a time and I thing you need to respool every other time out, which would make it to expensive. I use 12# sunline mono. Its cheep and I change it about every 5th time out and I use 15# cxx copolymer for my jig fishing and I change it every 4th time out, its VERY STRONG ! and does not break.

    Posts: 7348

    Most all my bass fishing I do is more finesse type, very little need for loading up the big guns to drag them out of anything. With that said I love how flouro sinks, IMO it creates more of a straight line from the lure to your rod, and with less stretch comes even more sensitivity. I have used 8# stren flourocast, about $9 for 150yds I believe, and has outperformed every line I have tried to date. Can still cast an 1/16oz jig in -20below wind chill 25 yds so one can imagine how limp it is in summer. Just can’t imagine spending $40 on line every season for just one setup. It does have a little more stretch to it than others, but that just helps land the big ones. Stretch and sensitivity are two different things.

    Posts: 3696

    The only time I’m using fluorocarbon any more is as a 4-5 foot leader tied to braid. A finesse application for bass or jigging for walleyes (the little that I do).

    I have one pole strung up with non-braid and that is Yozuri-hybrid. Very strong, abrasion resistant and great knot strength. Best of all – LOW stretch. Its a fluoro/mono mix so it does sink some.

    Next year I’m going to try out Maxima Treazure. Its a co-polymer like Yozuri-Hybrid, and is supposed to be very low stretch, but it is smaller in diameter. Will try them out head to head and see… but I doubt I will ever go back to straight fluorocarbon as a main line again. Too stretchy on long hook sets…and plenty of rat’s nests..

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Fishing more days than most between Guiding, Tournaments and just out having fun I will say that I have tried all the Fluoros on the market I could find… That’s what I use for Bass/Walleye 90% of the time.

    1) Gamma Edge
    2) Tatsu
    3) Invizx
    1) Gamma Soft Touch
    2) Sunline Shooter
    3) Berkley 100% Fluoro

    Gamma has a new owner and new formula…this stuff is amazing! Yes it is in the upper price range but all the really top lines are. Your line is the most critical link between the fish and the net, so why spend money for a great rod/reel and worry about an extra few bucks on the line?
    I am not sponsored by Gamma, but sure wish I was!
    Give it a try, be sure to only top your backing with about 50yds of the $$$ stuff. Saves you some cash.

    Posts: 3696

    Tom, how stretchy is Gamma on long hook sets? And what lb test are you using on spinning vs. casting?

    Posts: 174

    While the Sunline’s are pretty good, still prone to breaking. Gamma is simply the strongest. Tie a good knot, and it won’t break. After trying most of the others…none compare. Nothing but Gamma Edge here.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    I met Dale Black, owner of Gamma (Black Knight Industries)
    at the Chicagoland Fishing show…Great guy , fisherman and
    very knowledgeable on line.
    They are working on a new website to showcase all their products…co polymer, fluoro, braid etc….There were a lot of serious fisherman that were picking up line at their booth…even Pros that were not sponsored by them…now there is a testament to a good line!

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