So I mean, how can he afford the time to reel in slack, lower the rod tip, and set the hook? Because i sure as heck know that if i tried doing that, the fish would already spit the bait out.
You can do that too given the right technique and mood of the bass.
You can feel the hit without much force on the fish if you fish, say a worm with your line drooping from the tip. You can feel the line move but the line isn’t exactly tight.
On casts to target where you can expect an immediate hit, i.e. a dock, you can leave the line completely slack after the cast and watch your line foe movement. After that, fish the lure with the line at a 90 degree angle to the pole for maximum sensitivity.
Some days you have to be faster, watch Iaconelli, he sets the hook without dropping (I never could).
In general, the more realistic feeling/tasting the lure, the longer you can let a bass take it. For instance, with as senko, if you don’t set the hook fast enough, they will swallow it. But a big 1oz football jig, not so much…
Experience will dictate.