I just purchased some flukes and need to know how to work them. I was reconmended to use the pattern of “Walking the Dog.” Can someone please tell me the best way to do so?

Posts: 75
June 16, 2012 at 10:54 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Fishing by Species » Smallmouth & Largemouth Bass » Walking the dog?
I just purchased some flukes and need to know how to work them. I was reconmended to use the pattern of “Walking the Dog.” Can someone please tell me the best way to do so?
First thing you going to want to have a bait-casting set-up. Cast the bait out there. Reel up the slack in the line. Make a sharp twitch down with the rod tip the bait should dart to the side. Make another downward twitch of the rod tip and the bait should dart the opposite direction. Repeat. It’s a topwater presentation.
First thing you going to want to have a bait-casting set-up. Cast the bait out there. Reel up the slack in the line. Make a sharp twitch down with the rod tip the bait should dart to the side. Make another downward twitch of the rod tip and the bait should dart the opposite direction. Repeat. It’s a topwater presentation.
You want a spinning rod for flukes, it is 20X easier to walk a fluke with a 6’6 M spinning rod than a baitcaster.
You want to jerk the rod on SLACK LINE do not jerk on tight line or it will just lay over and move a couple inches. If you jerk on slack line it will move FEET to the side.
Walking a fluke is a sub-surface presentation.
This video helped me the most when I was first learning the technique. It takes quite a bit of practice, but is a technique I use for jerkbaits and other baits.
I agree with B BK when you are talking Flukes it’s a subsurface thing. You can use either spinning or casting. Just find yourself some clear water and practice using a bubblegum fluke.
Slack line is key for me also.. i dont have any “bait casters” but do just fine with my spinning set ups.. id try rod angle down or to the side and give it some slack while twitching the lure. I like to walk it a few feet and pause every now and then always changing the retrieve.
It’s all about personal preference. It may be that you don’t know how to operate a baitcaster properly. For me it is more effective with a bait casting rod. You can say what ever you want about the fluke being sub-surface. Walking the dog,which is what I was talking about, is most often a topwater presentation. Was trying to give a QUICK explanation.
What helped me the most when i started was a 7ft spinning rod with 10 pound braid and a 3 foot chunk of 10 floro leader, the braid helped so i could see my slack when i fishet my fluke, just remember the more slack you have the farther the fluke with go left to right with each jerk of the rod just remeber to reel in some slack befor you set the hook, good luck
A lot of opinions here…I have caught 100s of bass on Zoom Superflukes… Using both Spinning and Baitcasting…
I used to use a St Croix 7′ MedFast spinrod with 14# braid and a flouro leader and missed quite a few fish…
In my experience, a med action does not have enough backbone, especially on bigger, 4,5 and 6 lb bass to consistently drive a 5/0 or 6/0 EWG hook through the plastic and into the bone of a larger bass. I (and my clients) use a MedHeavy action rod. I do walk the dog occassionally but it is not mandatory. I prefer a baitcasting rig for better control, more precise casting, and no line management issues.
A fluke mimics a wounded minnow… twitch, pause, twitch twitch pause…giving it an eradic action. The best fluke fishing for me is during a strong wind. Throw them to windward points, making them splash down hard, and them bring them back with the above retreive. The big Smallies here just about tear the rods out of your hands…
Now I do a lot of LM Bass fishing. Do largemouth hit the Zoom Flukes also or is it just smallies?
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