Three at that distance thus far. This leaves no hole if a miss is experienced. #12 shot is very tiny and doesn’t have the energy to mess up anything solid at the distances I am plinking the birds. Pattern-wise I haven’t tried one on paper to establish that and so far the repeatability seems fine inside of that 19-20 yard mark. This rifle has a barrel 22″ long with 1/16 rifling so it’s not near as fast as some of the .22 cals with 1/9 rifling which I think would cause the shot string to unwind awful fast and scatter more.
I did wait until nobody was on the walking path in either direction and popped one at the pond in the creek behind us about 35 yards away and it hardly disturbed the water, yet bird taken out to about 20 yards drop right now.
Bearcat, I have shot several different brands of sub-sonic and so called “quiet” rounds on paper. I suggest you shoot a pattern on paper before slinging them at critters because none of what I have shot punch holes anywhere near the best patterns done with the CCI mini-mag [9/16″ X 1/2″] and the Aguila Hollow-points [3/8″ X 1/2″] at 50 yards. Even 25 yards they toss a much looser group. When you find one that you like for your gun, pattern it so you can make the adjustments. CCI’s quiet rounds with the three piece fracturing bullet are about the worst for grouping at any distance, but that bullet really messes a rabbit’s bean up.