While I know all the ribbing on BK is tongue in cheek I thought I would enlighten all of you about this much talked product. I actually work at the Austin Plant in the department where they make a majority of SPAM. And to support BK’s love of it and just to give you some perspective we are currently working 7 days a week 24 hours a day producing 3,000,000 a week. Its Hormels staple product that has a love/hate relationship with people. Those that “love it” can’t understand why those that “hate it” don’t enjoy the canned meat that has multiple uses. On the other side those that “hate it” can’t understand how anyone thinks its a good choice to eat ever. While the side you choose doesn’t matter to me just remember for all the “lovers” there are equal “haters” which is fine, but in the end its a product that has keep a lot of people from going hungry during the ‘Wars” and it helps pays a lot of bills for those who are employed by the company that makes it. Thanks Scare