The baby boomer generation tells stories of going out and filling buckets with perch, then going back to the cabin and cleaning them and putting them in the freezer then going back out and filling more buckets later that day.
Haha. I’ve heard these stories from more than one person too.
Not that many years ago, people used to annually perch fish on Mille Lacs in the fall. Usually in Isle, Wahkon, or Cove bay. On a calm, sunny day in October there would be hundreds of boats sitting there targeting perch. I used to be one of them. I can remember early on there was a fair amount of jumbos. Then they became rarer and rarer and we’d have to cull through 20 dinks to get a keeper.
Nowadays people don’t even try to perch fish out there anymore. In a sense, I feel a little guilty keeping them for years on end. I definitely contributed to their demise in that lake.