South Dakota update

  • Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    After a long wait, we are in full-blown ice mode here in eastern SD. Conditions are nowhere near “safe” statewide, but with careful travel, either via foot or ATV, most bodies of water are fish able. I’m seeing anywhere from 4″-9″ of good ice on the bodies of water I’ve fished.

    Early ice patterns are still producing fish. Check deeper basins for roaming perch and eyes on the larger lakes and crappies and gills are still relating to weed growth on most bodies of water.

    I’m really having good luck fishing walleyes with the #4 Rapala Rippn Rap like usual. This is no secret, but poeple I run across are still leery of trying one. Buy one and fish with it, period. The fish will eat it and in typical Rippn Rap fashion, absolutely destroy it. Yellow Perch is a tough pattern to beat however, I’m seeing solid results with the various UV glow patterns.

    I’ve fallen in love with the new VMC Tungsten Chandelier Jig for basin perch. The goal is to get back down to an active school fast, and this thing fits the bill. Pack the bottom treble with maggots or waxies and the perch do the rest.

    Gills and Crappies have predictably been falling to the VMC Tungsten Tubby tipped with a Trigger-X Mustache worm. I think the benefits of tungsten and plastic on a school of gills or crappies are well known, but that specific combo has put many trophy caliber fish on ice already for me this year, including a giant 15″ South Dakota Jumbo and several 10″+ gills.

    Walleyes can be found while chasing perch around deeper basins. Eaters are common. For bigger fish, target shallow water during peak walleye times or even late into the night. Don’t be afraid to fish larger baits like Rippn Raps, Rattle Spoons, and Tingler Spoons

    I get IDO messages regularly asking about guided ice fishing in SD so I’ll just say, I don’t do any guiding on ice. If interested, PM me though. I have a buddy who I feel is the absolute best in the area. I’d be glad to shoot you over his contact info.

    Here are some of the fish I’ve iced as of the past week or two…

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Nice report, were waiting for the backwaters to freeze here so we can fish, in another week we’ll know,

    Al Case
    Posts: 306

    Great report, Andy. I was back in Watertown for a family get together the weekend before Christmas, but didn’t feel it was safe enough to go out yet. Hope to get back there soon. Those are nice fish!

    Trevor Ellingson
    Long Lake, MN
    Posts: 58

    Super jealous man. I got out for a little while on Monday but have yet to ice my first walleye or perch. Caught some nice crappies though. That is a HOG perch!!! I had great luck with the rippin rap last year, as well as the tubby/mustache worm combo, and definitely ready to put them to work again this season. Tried and true Flash Champ got it done for me on Monday.

    Al Case
    Posts: 306

    Andy, what size of Chandelier were you using….1/8 or 1/16? What colors do you like in that lure?

    Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    I have used both the 1/8 and the 3/16. I believe they both have a similar sized treble hook so the only difference is the size of the tungsten itself. As far as colors, the UV colors along with the Mayfly (goldish) and Red have worked well.

    Al Case
    Posts: 306

    Thanks, Andy. I’ll pick up a few tomorrow. Happy New Year!

    Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    Thanks Al, you as well. waytogo

    Joe Thody
    Auburn, NE
    Posts: 166

    Thanks for the report. Heading up in T-26 hours.

    Sooooo pumped.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4335

    Nice fish Andy and great info. waytogo waytogo

    St. Paul
    Posts: 528

    Holy sheet.
    Im moving to sd

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    Hey Andy, I’m I going to see you next week in Mobridge? Nice batch of fish.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Andy…In a couple of the pix I see you using a florescent orange line. I admit I am gutless on using it even though I’d like to fall in love with like a florescent green line. Your thoughts on using said line? Hoping to get your way soon…Thanks! RR

    Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    I’ll be in Mobridge for the festivities for sure. First time for me…

    Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    I have had no issues with the orange line and to be honest, being able to watch the line is a big deal. In addition to noodle rods, watching the line can help detect bites from those light-biting big gills.

    Jonny Anderson
    Posts: 20

    You ever fish Lake Poinsett off Hwy. 81? Does it have much of a winter bite for jumbo perch?

    Al Case
    Posts: 306

    Just curious….what’s going on in Mobridge?

    Posts: 3

    I’ll be in Mobridge as well. Is IDO going to have a booth at the expo?

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    A both at the expo! Ha, they run that expo during prime pre-tournament fishing time, but maybe we can wear a secret code sweatshirt, this will be #7 for us.

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    We’ll be out Jan 21st Andy for 4 days !! We can’t wait it’s our first trip to S.Dakota !! Staying at Boomers

    Posts: 3

    This will be #5 for us but we are going to have some first timers this year and they wanted to check out the expo.

    Posts: 73

    Way to go Andy! Still no ice here over in Ontario, makes me super jealous! Awesome to see you catching some great fish.
    Hopefully the fish are in early ice mode as well when I get on the ice next week.

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