I was able to spend a few consecutive days on the ice this past weekend and found mixed results. I thought I had a few sure fire walleye spots that ended up not producing so I was on the move for some more active fish. Perch fishing was tough and we had to move a lot but 4 of us ended with around 50 perch and 15 walleyes moving around a lot. We were able to find an active pod of fish and sort of spread out and wait for them to cycle back through. Small spoons without rattles loaded up with spikes worked best. Best depths were 21 fow on the edge of the basin. The pike bite has been awesome as of late fishing flooded timber or shallow weeds 5-8 fow. Baits range from deadbait on quick strike rigs, smaller minnows have attracted more bites, but also smaller fish in comparison. If anyone is looking for lodging or guiding let me know and I can get you pointed in the right direction. Do not hesitate to PM or call – QB

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