Sonar not picking anything up past 50 feet… but shows depth just fine.

  • Double Double
    Posts: 4

    Hey all, I have the Hook Reveal with the splitshot mounted through the hull of my kayak using duct seal. I’m getting the depth just fine, but for some reason the sonar is not picking up anything past around 50 feet. Everything is on auto setting as this was my first time using it. Anyone else ever have this issue?

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    The thermocline on the St Croix was at 50’ on Monday. Could be the reason.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    What transducer are you using? If it’s the high speed ducer that would typically come with the unit you need to buy an ice transducer and glue it in. The high speed will not have enough surface contact to work well.


    Double Double
    Posts: 4

    I’m using the Splitshot, and it’s also selected in the transducer setting. I wonderered if it was a thermocline… but leaning towards not, reason being when my son dropped his jig, we saw it move down and around 50ft it disappeared. Then when he reeled it back up, re-appeared around 50ft. Throughout the whole trip.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    You need an ice fishing transducer.

    One thing you can try is holding the ducer over the side of the boat and see if works as expected. That split shot is not going to have enough contact with your hull to get a good reading.


    Double Double
    Posts: 4

    wow, I see… well that was misleading. I would have thought when they state in the feature that it reads up to a certain depth, that it actually reads up to a certain depth, not just show the depth but nothing in between. Thanks for info.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    It’s your install that is the problem. Not the unit.


    Double Double
    Posts: 4

    You were right. I took the transducer off the duct seal and made the foam cup thing, filled with water. Can see everything now. I just assumed the duct seal would work as it worked fine with the garmin striker before this unit. Thanks for the help sir!

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