Something noticed from a newcomer

  • mudhole
    Posts: 90

    I haven’t been here long but something I noticed that I think is going to drive me away.

    Last night the wife and I were 3-4 Bacardi Cokes in and she says “You should see what the guys on the site drink for rum”. I thought it would be a decent question. Well almost all the answers I got were how run is discussing, it would just make me (responder) puke, and basically it is just not a respectable drink. Well…EXCUSE ME (channeling my best Steve Martin…yes I’m that old)! We have been rum drinkers for a very long time and spend a lot of time in the Caribbean and Mexico. I thought it may be a fun discussion. But what I have learned here in the short time I have been here is that this site is very clicky. If you are not one of the “Main guys” your question and/or answers hold no water and don’t matter.

    I don’t participate in ANY other social media, for many reasons I will not go into here, but I’m thinking this may not be the place for me either. I don’t have over 1,000 posts so I guess my topics don’t matter.

    This isn’t the first time I have noticed it. I have seen this happen to many other posters here as well. Unfortunately the way all you all respond to newcomers just alienates new posters and isn’t going to increase members. But actually probably doesn’t matter to any of the main core here.

    Just two cents from AN OUTSIDER (I will never have 2,000 posts so apparently will always be one – kind of like Barreiro will never be one of us even though he has been here over 40 years…KFAN listeners get the reference). Take it for what it is.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5184

    Sites like this are always a little clicky but IDO got much worse during Covid. You kinda have 2 sets in my mind…the group that hangs around the general discussion forum to mainly banter politics and other fodder.

    The second are those of us still reporting on bites, tactics, etc. every once in awhile. Some of the group crosses over but most of the guys talking tactics and bites are river guys.

    I wouldn’t take it personal. You posted on a holiday weekend and some of the main posters responded.

    Posts: 627

    I guess in looking at your thread on rum, I don’t see anything inappropriate or disrespectful. People gave their input, 2 guys mentioned they don’t like rum (by saying it makes them gag or sick). You have to take replies on sites like these as they come, it’s not like this is a formal setting.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3216

    I also don’t see the harshness you implied. Seems like you got a mixed bag of answers. I wasn’t on yesterday and don’t drink rum.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    I don’t like Rum unless it’s in some over fruity drink on vacation in the Caribbean.

    The fact that I said I wouldn’t drink it any other way is not a rip on anyone who does drink it. I guess I missed something…

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3142

    I haven’t been here long but something I noticed that I think is going to drive me away.

    I didn’t read the thread because I’m not a drinker, period. Because of this thread, I went back and read the entire rum thread.

    I am not seeing any disrespect.

    Posts: 231

    Like Huntindave I did not read the post as I have not had rum since my first hangover. Two ruined days from that one. But in fairness I went there, and I must have missed something as I did not see anything disrespectful either. I’m not one of the Boyz(regulars), but always enjoy the postings compared to other social sites. I don’t post much, but people here have always been helpful for me.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12256

    This isn’t the first time I have noticed it. I have seen this happen to many other posters here as well. Unfortunately the way all you all respond to newcomers just alienates new posters and isn’t going to increase members. But actually probably doesn’t matter to any of the main core here.

    Just two cents from AN OUTSIDER (I will never have 2,000 posts so apparently …. Take it for what it is.

    Like reading too much “attitude” into an email or text is often misplaced, I think you might be taking some of the responses to have a little sharper edge than they’re actually intended to have.

    I mean it’s not like somebody came in and said that rum is the ultimate girl-drink-drunk drink and no real man would even touch the stuff. Granted a lot of us were thinking just that, but it’s not like we actually said it. Joking. Only kidding.

    If you ask any “What kind of X do you like?” Questions on any social media you’re going to get people that come in and say I don’t like any X. Yes of course that doesn’t answer the post question but you can’t really take the social out of social media by restricting how people answer things like that.

    The second are those of us still reporting on bites, tactics, etc. every once in awhile.

    You mean you actually fish? Wow. Who knew?

    Posts: 2828

    All these responses are spot on. Yeah there definitely are “cliques” here but that’s pretty common anywhere you go in the real world. Just a fact of life. Half the stuff I post or reply on here gets no response or very few(in fact I’ve noticed I have the power to kill threads jester ) but it doesn’t stop me from coming back. I love posting/reading river reports, like mr moen. So many of the river guys are cool and helpful. If the site is not for you it is what it is. Not gonna change it.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17389

    This place is no different than any other. You will discuss things of interest to you. I’m not a Rum drinker and have no opinion on it, therefore I didn’t respond. I don’t post fishing reports because….well I just don’t. That doesn’t mean I don’t read what others post. I think there was a big thread on Bourbon here, I didn’t participate in that one either.

    There are several here that don’t like my threads, not a biggy it’s their choice.

    Point is, hang around and you will find you niche’ and enjoy the subjects and people that share your interests.

    James Almquist
    Posts: 599

    All these responses are spot on. Yeah there definitely are “cliques” here but that’s pretty common anywhere you go in the real world. Just a fact of life. Half the stuff I post or reply on here gets no response or very few(in fact I’ve noticed I have the power to kill threads jester ) but it doesn’t stop me from coming back. I love posting/reading river reports, like mr moen. So many of the river guys are cool and helpful. If the site is not for you it is what it is. Not gonna change it.

    Funny I thought I was the only post killer !!

    I also don’t drink rum but love bourbon with a nice cigar.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I’m guessing it’s mainly my post that ruffled your feathers. I meant no disrespect toward your taste in drink and I’ve been following the thread thinking maybe I’d try out more rum someday and get some tips. Now I’ll grant you my comment provided absolutely no value to your thread. That’s not uncommon from me and practically all the regulars for that matter to varying degrees. As others have said stick around and you’ll find out which posters you appreciate and probably some that you don’t. Gonna need thicker skin though if you think people were rude to you in that thread.

    Welcome to IDO grin

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5184

    You mean you actually fish? Wow. Who knew?

    Most people actually say I catch…

    Posts: 3319

    I didn’t read your rum post because I wasn’t interested in it. I drink very little so that is the reason.
    I went back and read it twice and there were no snide comments about you and only a couple about rum in general. Hang around for a while there is some good info to be gleaned along with some normal BS.
    Once and awhile a thread goes off the rails but hey that’s just normal in the world today.

    Welcome to IDO. wave

    Posts: 2853

    Mudhole relax.I don’t think anybody was singling out rum drinkers they just said what they think of rum.I believe they are allowed an opinion.
    I do not care for bourbon think turpentine would be better,did i offend anyone?If i did oh well.
    I like rum and i took no offense,to each their own.I don’t believe it’s worth getting in a p!ss!ng match.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    mudhole…i didnt see anything either that was directed at you and your choice of cocktails.

    i dont drink rum either anymore .just dont like the taste. and heck i get crap for the choice of brandy and beer i buy!!!!! its your money but what you want and you just do you!!!!!! waytogo

    Posts: 12780

    Sites like this are always a little clicky but IDO got much worse during Covid. You kinda have 2 sets in my mind…the group that hangs around the general discussion forum to mainly banter politics and other fodder.

    The second are those of us still reporting on bites, tactics, etc. every once in awhile. Some of the group crosses over but most of the guys talking tactics and bites are river guys.

    I wouldn’t take it personal. You posted on a holiday weekend and some of the main posters responded.

    And us Wild hockey guys. peace

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    Can I stick with my answer, captain cokes at the bar. Maybe next time I’ll get real fancy and go sailing with that sailor Jerry fella

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    I’ll drink any rum……. But I’m not a connoisseur to have a favorite sipping rum…

    When it’s time to get some drinking done then it’s Cap’n diet for me.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    In the past half dozen years I have really turned to whiskey and bourbons more though.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    Oops…………. Wrong thread

    Posts: 755

    The groups fine, as to be expected, lighten up and roll with it.

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1568

    Props for the Barreiro reference. By saying you’re not one of us, you really are one of us…

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 538

    Uffda, went back to read your previous post on Rum and would agree that you got what you asked for, opinions and it was pretty civil. It’s also an older crowd (I’ll speak for myself) and most tend to simply get to the point. As for Rum, except for the occasional Foo Foo drink, I have pretty much moved on. Barcardi coke was a 3 year phase, probably influenced by an uncle which was his go to drink. When drinking rum today it’s usually Sailor Jerry’s and Diet Coke, and not very often as summer is here and a nice gin tonic is refreshing. However if I’m in the mood….

    As a side note, prior to the Revolutionary war, Rum was the drink of choice in the colonies with Boston being the “Rum” capital of the world. The companies would ship dried cod to the British West Indies for protein to feed the slaves working on the sugar plantations in the Caribbean and trade for molasses, which was made into rum. After the United States gained it’s independence Britain stopped trading with their rouge colony and no more molasses. After 1776 rum was replaced by whiskey.

    Posts: 2828

    Uffda, went back to read your previous post on Rum and would agree that you got what you asked for, opinions and it was pretty civil. It’s also an older crowd (I’ll speak for myself) and most tend to simply get to the point. As for Rum, except for the occasional Foo Foo drink, I have pretty much moved on. Barcardi coke was a 3 year phase, probably influenced by an uncle which was his go to drink. When drinking rum today it’s usually Sailor Jerry’s and Diet Coke, and not very often as summer is here and a nice gin tonic is refreshing. However if I’m in the mood….

    As a side note, prior to the Revolutionary war, Rum was the drink of choice in the colonies with Boston being the “Rum” capital of the world. The companies would ship dried cod to the British West Indies for protein to feed the slaves working on the sugar plantations in the Caribbean and trade for molasses, which was made into rum. After the United States gained it’s independence Britain stopped trading with their rouge colony and no more molasses. After 1776 rum was replaced by whiskey.


    And NEXT WEEK on the history channel…

    Thanks for sharing. I have some reading to do.

    Posts: 224

    Mudhole……don’t despair. I’m not an insider on this site for sure. Every time I post a question I receive helpful tips and answers. Hang in there with us.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Only click I see here is BK ..Hamm’s and spam doah

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    Mudhole, I just now reading your post about Rum and then this one. While I understand we do have a core group that has been formed over the years, I would consider myself a more recent add to that group, well maybe I am who knows. There was nothing in either of these that I read that would even come close to leaving me feeling like you have posted here. Most of the guys/gals here are great people, who in general would go out of there way to help a fellow member. Can we get a little snarky with some responses sure. There is also a wealth of knowledge here on many items ask a question and you will get some responses some useful some not. We bicker like any group, some more than others. As someone else mentioned maybe a little thicker skin is required if that left you feeling this way.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    Any forum group can be like this. Dont give up, lots of great folks here. I have angered folks on occasion, never intentionally. Sometimes, I just think I am being funny and other folks many not.

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