something is missing here

  • bigdaddyg
    north central indiana
    Posts: 103

    Are there any serious kayak fishermen/women here? just asking I don’t recall seeing any reports, found this sport about ten years back and went all out as in cant get enough Iam now 62 and if I ever get to retire Ill be living out of a kayak, if there is anyone on the site? really like to here from ya. BRAD GRIFFIS.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5097

    There have been some past threads on this topic so I know there some avid kayak guys/gals on the forum. I know there is one guy who fishes pool 2 from a kayak who was posting this spring. I’m sure you’ll get some responses.

    Maybe change your post title or start a new one.

    Posts: 5133

    I’m a kayak fisherman, prefer to use my boat for hands free fishing but love the kayak to get onto smaller less trafficked lakes and for quick after work excursions.

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Kayaks always a good time. I don’t use that often really but it’s always fun. Nothing like a nordski pulling you around the lake.

    Generally use the kayak when it’s a quick and easy outing. Small water.

    Posts: 1166

    I’ve tried it, but just can’t get into it. I go fishing to be comfortable and relaxed, and not frustrated by anything. Kayak fishing leaves me frustrated trying to deal with gear and being cramped. I can see the appeal, however. Close to the water, quiet and peaceful. I get it. Just not for me.

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