solera vs wx 1910

  • glasshad
    Posts: 2

    i really like both these rigs but looking at the 1910, it appears that the sides in the cockpit angle inward at the floor. looks like this really shrinks the floor space. the solera is the perfect rig for me i think. as long as the hull on the solera is the same as far as depth in the v for big waves as the wx. and also how deep is the interior depth, freeboard on the solera?

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865


    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    The hulls are really very different. I believe you will find “big water” ride advantage to the narrower 1910. But that doesnt mean the Solera wont work for you. It is difficult at best to quantify at best via a keyboard. Where are how you fish and test drive is still the best way!

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    There is no question the 1910 will out perform the solera in big water. What are you considering big water? I have a few buddies with the 1910 and I am beyond impressed with how it does in big water. They also both have families and use them for pleasure boating.

    Having options is a great thing. Try getting to a show or stop into SBC if they are in your neighborhood. They will be more then happy to answer any questions you may have, not to mention a test drive!!

    Posts: 2

    i live in northern lower mi so i troll great lakes and some inland lakes but i travel to erie and sag bay. i fish with wife and our 2 kids a lot. as well as tube and sunday hang on the lake. i was hoping the solera was as deep in the hull and high freeboard as the 1910. i know the reatas are way different from the fs ranger hulls. not what i want. ms may be better than reata. ill have to check both out when i buy. thanks

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    As far as the fishing side of a fish n ski boat, Skeeter still has noticeable fishing factors over most of the competitors in that segment. React keel is a big part of that. Floor plan is by all means based on perceived opinions.

    I dont really believe any manufacture intended any fish n
    ski hull to be a specialized great lakes hull. That is where the WX hull comes into play and family features can be accommodated for most with ease.

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