Software version 19.10 Update – Awesome!

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19578

    The newest software update (version 19.10) adds a new feature called “Color Limit” This is a game changer for Garmin in that it allows you to use 100% Gain power (85% seems to be the sweet spot) but then remove most/all of the interference in the water column, so you get a full black background with full strength fish returns. MegaLive and Livesight already do this to a degree (They just remove most water column interference, but this then causes bad target flicker) I talked about Garmin needing to do this enhancement awhile ago and figured they would probably release it at July’s iCast with new hardware, glad they released it early and are listening to their customers.

    There’s also some “Auto Ghost Tree” setting added in this update, but I never have ghost tree issues so I doubt it’s something i’ll ever use.

    Thank You Garmin!

    Posts: 128

    Remind me how to go about updating this on my 93sv? I know I could google it and go digging, but hoping you could give me a quick rundown. Thanks

    Posts: 19578

    You can update via the Active Captain phone app connected to your unit via wifi, but I’ve found it can be spotty on properly downloading the updates sometimes, SD card file is the way I do it. I had to also download & install the new simulator update file after installing this update, I think if updating via Active Captain it would have done this automatically.

    You simply download the file and extract it to the root of your Micro SD card, instructions are right on the download page:

    Installation Instructions
    Click on ‘Download’ and choose to save the file to your computer. Select an easy place to find the file, such as the ‘My Documents’, ‘Downloads’, or ‘Desktop’.
    Once the download is complete, go to the location where you saved the file. Double-click the downloaded file to copy the files from your computer to the SD card.
    Power on the device and make sure all attached network devices are powered on as well.
    Insert the card into the card slot of your primary device. Select ‘Update Software’ in the window that automatically displays. If you do not have a primary device with a card slot, please see your dealer or attempt to use the ActiveCaptain app to update software.
    After the update completes, all Garmin Marine Network devices and NMEA 2000 sensors will have the latest software. This ensures all of the devices will be able to communicate with each other.

    Posts: 69

    Remind me how to go about updating this on my 93sv? I know I could google it and go digging, but hoping you could give me a quick rundown. Thanks

    I think this update only works on Echomap UHD’s and Ultra. Could be wrong though.

    Posts: 128

    THanks Joe – I ordered a microSD card today so should be able to get my unit updated next week.

    – I’ve got a UHD 93sv so I think I should be good to go with this update

    Posts: 19578

    Played with the new update on the ice today. I found it was best to up the gain to no more than 70-75% then set the color limit to around 50%, this cleared most of the screen clutter and still kept the color pallet recognizable.

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    I put in the update. Some cool features. But now my screen in down mode is reversed left to right. I have to hit the flip switch to make it right. Could be cause I used active captain.
    Could I do it again with sd card or do I have to wait for another update?

    Thanks for help.

    Posts: 19578

    I put in the update. Some cool features. But now my screen in down mode is reversed left to right. I have to hit the flip switch to make it right. Could be cause I used active captain.
    Could I do it again with sd card or do I have to wait for another update?

    Thanks for help.

    no idea, call Garmin CS

    Posts: 128

    Got my update done last night via ActiveCaptain – worked like a champ. Now to get back on the ice…

    Posts: 1122

    Not really impressed with the update and definitely not awesome IMO. Sure you can filter out the noise and make it look all clean, but you lose all the definition and back to blocks and blobs.

    I like to see the fins moving and fish turning even if it means having some noise.

    Posts: 19578

    Not really impressed with the update and definitely not awesome IMO. Sure you can filter out the noise and make it look all clean, but you lose all the definition and back to blocks and blobs.

    I like to see the fins moving and fish turning even if it means having some noise.

    Just don’t go crazy on the gain and color limit and its a great update imo…i’m sure it will be tweaked a bit more in future updates. As I hinted months ago, i’m sure Garmin just released the feature to counter the Mega Live and Livesight looks for those who want it…the beauty is you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to…

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