Society really has gone to pot hasn't it

  • poomunk
    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    So sitting on the couch watching the start of the last samurai since I’ve only ever seen the end, it’s on spike tv channel. Goes to commercial break and there is an add of a bunch of guys singing about looking for someone other than their wife as an add for ashley madison (it’s apparently a website to help married people cheat). On regular basic cable, it wasn’t like I was on some pay per view type channel. The fact a website like this even exists aside, advertising it on tv like it’s just a normal thing passes as acceptable these days??

    And we wonder why kids act like they do, athletes like they do and so on and so forth. Seems to me there are a lot of people out there that need a good swift kick in the arse.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13764

    I agree. So many things that had been discreet, is now in your face

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    It’s good to see TV moving on, it’s already saturated with shows about gay people and violence.

    Posts: 2596

    TV is :yet catching up with what people have been doing since Eve gave Adam the apple. Before TV there were these things called books and in them were stories of every scenario a human could involve themselves in. Same messages throughout time, just in a different format.

    And here I thought this was going to be an informative thread on weed.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17102

    That “whoosh” sound you heard was morals & values flushing down the drain. You can also add graphic violence to your list of things kids are bombarded with on a daily basis.

    And no, it’s not alright. I don’t care if it’s been happening since the beginning of time. It’s our job as humans to screen our kids from the bad things in life just as long as we can until they are mature enough to form their own opinions.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22711

    I think he is talking more about availability and “who cares who see’s it” attitude. Always hear complaining about the present generations… wonder why ??? ??? It’s all about what your exposed to.

    Posts: 2596

    If your convictions as a parent are that strong, throw out the TV, disconnect from the internet, and home school your kids. I will not trample on your right as a parent to bring up your kids your way, don’t censor my veiwing pleasure.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    If your convictions as a parent are that strong, throw out the TV, disconnect from the internet, and home school your kids. I will not trample on your right as a parent to bring up your kids your way, don’t censor my veiwing pleasure.

    Now how about that informative thread on weed?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    This is a symptom, not a disease. And that disease has been around a long time. I agree with CRC.

    Saturated with gay TV shows? doah

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17102

    If your convictions as a parent are that strong, throw out the TV, disconnect from the internet, and home school your kids. I will not trample on your right as a parent to bring up your kids your way, don’t censor my veiwing pleasure.

    You can find everything you need on the internet, it doesn’t need to be on TV. By your logic it would be OK to have a bomb building seminar on CBS at 7pm? Where do you draw the line especially with all the single parent kids we have staying alone at home far to often. I respect your rights but I’m more concerned about the youth of the country then your rights.

    Just my opinion. grin

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    He isn’t telling you to throw out the TV and internet, he’s just saying if you feel that strong about it.

    There are bomb building “seminars” on the internet already. Who’s going to buy the ad space for the TV version?

    The free market works > social engineering

    Posts: 2596

    I am saying that parents should have control over what their kids see, but why should I be deprived of legal viewing of media just so you can have it easier to shield your kids. You have a controller, parental settings, and the on / off switch. I would think you would monitor the sites your kids visit on the internet? Kids should be protected, that’s, why there’s a fence around Disney Land.

    When I was a little kid I watched unsupervised alot of war movies and cowboy Indian shows. After hours and hours of viewing it’s amazing that I don’t want to kill Japanese, Germans, and Indians…that is if I follow your logic that kids exposed to TV will want to imitate it.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    It’s good to see TV moving on, it’s already saturated with shows about gay people…

    Is that a serious comment? If so, that’s quite a bigoted view. flame

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22711

    I only stated facts. I chuckle to myself everytime I see the Playboys and Hustlers, with the black out plastic on the covers in the gas station…. some politicians feel good about what they mandated… in the 50’s….. doah jester

    Posts: 2596

    And speaking of athletes, I wonder what was the moral compass of gladiators back in the day?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 364

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Gregg Pfeifer wrote:</div>
    It’s good to see TV moving on, it’s already saturated with shows about gay people…

    Is that a serious comment? If so, that’s quite a bigoted view. flame

    I agree with Ralph on this one

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    Castle, it’s got nothing to do with censoring. Censoring is just a band-aid to cover up things we don’t want some people seeing. That is totally different than we as a society breaking down to the point where something like a commercial openly advocating cheating on your spouse ever even hit the production stage without someone roundhouse kicking the person who thought it up through a wall.

    My point being the ‘we’ as a society in whole in my opinion have lost nearly any idea of what is right and wrong, black and white, everything now comes in 50 shades of gray. Right and wrong has always existed, I’m not so naive as to think this is a new concept, what’s new to the table is ‘our’ inability to distinguish between the 2 and/or our apathy to do anything about it.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Gregg Pfeifer wrote:</div>
    It’s good to see TV moving on, it’s already saturated with shows about gay people…

    Is that a serious comment? If so, that’s quite a bigoted view. flame

    Of course not, there’s very little I ever write that is. My point was there’s always something someone will object to on TV. The above quote was edited to exclude violence, I could have continued a laundry list of other things people object to and I didn’t state my view on that list of items it’s you that put your judgment on it.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    If it wasn’t a serious comment, then don’t worry about it. It came across in a negative way, and I don’t think I’m the only one that read it that way. Whether you intended it that way or not, that’s how it was perceived.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    If it wasn’t a serious comment, then don’t worry about it. It came across in a negative way, and I don’t think I’m the only one that read it that way. Whether you intended it that way or not, that’s how it was perceived.

    No worry, sorry to offend anyone. On a serious note, I’m going fishing and it’ll be below 0 and 20-30 mph wind. How’s that for serious?

    north fowl
    Posts: 605


    Yep, when a guy sitting on a couch watching tv
    complains about the advertising.

    Western and Central, NY
    Posts: 440

    Fortunately my remote has a mute function, for commercials. If that isn’t enough then it’s time to delta channel. It’s worse if you got young children, since you have to insure they aren’t exposed too this crap. Yes I watched those same cowboys – Indians and war movies when young but they weren’t promoted in the same way as to be the household norm.
    They don’t call it Hollyweird for nothing

    Posts: 2596

    What we are seeing through the media is overall exactly what we want. It’s all about generating money through achieving ratings and selling advertising. If either we are not watching the shows or not responding to the advertising they would go away. What we see is there because it makes alot of money. I for one believe human beings are just as good as we have ever been, and as evil as we have ever been, it’s just different how the messages are disseminated….unless you believe we are an evolving species. And then ask ourselves if one can evolve psychologically without also evolving physically? Just where does evil and depravity come from?

    Posts: 1257

    I don’t believe the average Midwestern family has viewing demands that matter. there just are not enough of us.

    We watch very, very little TV due to the absolute lack of what we consider to be moral and acceptable to watch as a family.

    When the average sitcom revolves around sex, drugs, violence, or being gay, we don’t tune in. I still pay the satellite bill, so they are getting their money even though we don’t approve or encourage what they are showing. If being fed up with watching immorality on TV makes me a bigot, then I guess I live in a household of bigots.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    …or being gay

    You can turn your TV back on . Will and Grace went off the air a long time ago. I suggest you start with “How I Met Your Mother” and Barney Stinson.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Netflix, watch what you want, when you want. $8 per month.

    I should be a ad guy!

    South central, mn
    Posts: 137

    Another part of this problem is, as people see more and more immorality, they become desensitized to it (morality)and it becomes more accepted. This is not a good thing!

    Posts: 2596

    I feel so reassured that there are those out there defining and sheriffing my moral standards. I must be too stupid to do it on my own.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I feel so reassured that there are those out there defining and sheriffing my moral standards. I must be too stupid to do it on my own.

    Pour a glass of milk and turn on Little house on the praire.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17102

    You can twist our comments anyway you want to. If you want to watch sexually orientated stuff go ahead and watch. However I don’t think at 7 or 8 pm on network TV that stuff needs to be on. I don’t think lots of things have a place on network TV in those hours. Why can’t there be shows appropriate for kids on TV? You have the internet and cable to watch all you want to watch.

    BTW, Cowboys and Indians and Army shows in the 50’s and 60’s are much, much different then they are today. Getting shot on Combat is much different then having your head blown apart.

    I’m done.

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