So, you think boats are high priced?

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17425

    Has anybody priced out Muskie lures lately? Seems most are in the $17 – $35 range with some as much as a $100!

    I bought a lure retriever because that was cheap compared to the 5 lures I’ve lost in the last year. doah

    ski junkie
    Grantsburg, Wisc
    Posts: 305

    Yes, ski lures get spendy.
    Headlocks are around $85 a piece.
    I have 11 of them

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17425

    Well I guess if they didn’t work you wouldn’t have bought the second one. grin

    Posts: 1902

    You should of saw the amount of work two of us put in to get one of my musky flies back today. Wasted valuable time on the water but I couldn’t give it up after sticking my first fly rod musky on it just before getting snagged.

    Posts: 314

    Has anybody priced out Muskie lures lately? Seems most are in the $17 – $35 range with some as much as a $100!

    I bought a lure retriever because that was cheap compared to the 5 lures I’ve lost in the last year. doah

    What’s a lure retriever? Scuba gear?

    ski junkie
    Grantsburg, Wisc
    Posts: 305

    You should of saw the amount of work two of us put in to get one of my musky flies back today. Wasted valuable time on the water but I couldn’t give it up after sticking my first fly rod musky on it just before getting snagged.

    Been there also.
    We do whatever possible to avoid losing our lures.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    The first rule of Lure Club is: You do not talk about Lure Club.
    The second rule of Lure Club is: You do not talk about Lure Club.
    Third rule of Lure Club: If it breaks a lip, gets crooked, never gets bit, it’s run is over.
    Fourth rule: only one lure to a line.

    1. lures.jpg

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    They have a lure retriever at Blue Ribbon I’ve been eye balling the past couple visits. They are expensive but look pretty heavy duty.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17425

    I picked one up at Thorne Brothers. It extends to 18′ so we will see if I can save a lure or two with it. crazy

    Posts: 24749

    are these the type of lure retrievers that clip over the line, then slide down the line and hopefully attach to the stuck lure? You could probably make one super cheap. Get some huge split rings, a massive d-ring karabiner and anchor rope.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    I know I look at the prices and think to myself I am happy I started musky fishing 10 years ago when you could buy the lures for half of what they want now. I use to make all my own cowgirls and would buy blades for $0.35 each. Now they want $3+ each.

    Posts: 1148

    This is why I have 2 muskie lures. But when the markets crash Muskie lures will be the new currency.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    I always laugh when non musky fishing people ask me what the heck do you need 100lb line on your rod for. You don’t need that strong of line to bring in that fish. I tell them it’s not for the fish, it’s to keep my lure from breaking off.

    West Metro
    Posts: 611

    I always laugh when non musky fishing people ask me what the heck do you need 100lb line on your rod for. You don’t need that strong of line to bring in that fish. I tell them it’s not for the fish, it’s to keep my lure from breaking off.


    But then you need some cases to put your lures in, then you run our of room when you buy more.

    The good news for me is the FW loves to muskie fish, so I have the green light to buy just about any lures I can.

    The spring sale at thorne put a damper on my my walleye tackle fund.

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