So sad

  • Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I never buy from parents, coworkers, etc, but if that turd down the street comes to my door and gives his spiel I’ll buy one of his crappy overpriced wreaths.

    Same here. I’ve taken a bit of heat that I don’t buy things from my nieces and nephews, but that’s only because they don’t ask. A text from mom/dad is a lot different than a kid asking me. If the kid calls me or asks me in person, I’ll buy in a minute.

    Our kindergartener got his first taste of school fundraising this fall, and you can bet that I made him personally ask family and neighbors.

    Posts: 1

    I agree. But the world is changing… she is learning valuable online marketing skills!

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    So here is a little different take on the “new Corporate America” flame

    I gripe about unprepared, lazy, selfish, entitle brat kids that are not willing to work. Well, look at what “we” are now doing at a corporate level. I am so freak’n shocked that a HR dept. would sink to such an automated level of a hiring practice. Especially when its a teaching position for children with disabilities. Can you really expect to hire best of class people and know your going to get the interaction level required to benefit a child from a dam test score :???::???::???:

    Those ‘tests’ really can help HR departments weed through thousands of applicants(especially at large corporations). The problem is they can be extremely biased if the algorithms aren’t audited/tuned properly.

    “Weapons of Math Destruction” goes into it quite a bit, but they rely on historical data to determine who has the best ‘potential’ at a company. So what happens when your company has a history of promoting white males much more frequently than females or minorities? Your algorithm would be basing someone’s ‘potential’ on who historically ‘succeeded’ at your company.

    That’s great if your company evaluated performance and promoted for legitimate reasons. If not, your algorithm will score all those white dudes high and anyone that doesn’t look like them will get bumped down the list. (as an example, not all companies only promote white dudes).

    I’ve always felt that if those ‘personality’ tests were used for much more than ‘weed out the psychos’ then they are probably doing something wrong. Kind of a ‘there isn’t a right answer but there’s definitely a wrong one’ situation.

    My current position I had to do one of those and they sent it to me at 7 PM the night before an 8 AM in person psych evaluation, with a message of “This will take 2-3 hours, you MUST complete this before coming to your in person psych evaluation.” I think it was one of those ‘see how he reacts to a crappy situation’ type deals, pretty annoying.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    Edit: I kind of combined those ‘personality’ tests with just general resume screening that a lot of HR departments do. They aren’t the same thing, but fall into that same automation trend you were talking about.

    Automation is a fascinating subject though, I went to a talk about automation in NYC last year and it’s frightening how many jobs the ‘experts’ say are potentially ‘automatable’.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    I personally don’t let my kids sell the school stuff (aka beg for money). It makes everyone feel like they “have” to buy something. After all who’s going to say no to a cute kid??

    The companies bringing this stuff to the schools have it figured out and I chose not to play their game. I’ll donate cash straight to the school instead. I think we should all work together to get rid of the billionaire middle man.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    I personally don’t let my kids sell the school stuff (aka beg for money). It makes everyone feel like they “have” to buy something. After all who’s going to say no to a cute kid??

    The companies bringing this stuff to the schools have it figured out and I chose not to play their game. I’ll donate cash straight to the school instead. I think we should all work together to get rid of the billionaire middle man.


    I make a check donation (for tax purposes) to causes such as school athletics/clubs, and tell them to keep their junk. I would never do it over the internet. I do donate this way if a young student or athlete has the motivation and will to come ask me and politely explain to me their cause. There’s a 0% chance I’m buying girl scout cookies online.

    Kurt Turner
    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 582

    All is not lost in my neighborhood. Parents stop by with their boys and they make sure the child does all the asking. Makes it easier to keep the faith face to face communication will survive this electronically dumbed down evolution.

    Don’t ya think every adult generation sees the future generations as the end? I’d imagine the generation or two above the Woodstock era had to have been wondering WTF is this going to end like when they are in charge?

    But yeah, face to face is following the path of common courtesy, common sense and T Rex..

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Eventually… one generation will be right about the one coming next, but no one will be around to say “I told you so” to….. doah

    Posts: 103

    We have a rule in our house that we will buy, if any kids make the effort to come to our door selling for a fundraiser and explain what the organization is and what the money will be used for. Even if we know that we will probably not use it(discount cards at area businesses). I refuse to buy from parents as well. Especially when its put as something like, “johhny is selling widgets for school, please support him.”

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Don’t ya think every adult generation sees the future generations as the end? I’d imagine the generation or two above the Woodstock era had to have been wondering WTF is this going to end like when they are in charge?

    The 70’s rotflol Most don’t remember, many OD’d, a lot won’t talk about it, and the intense use of Polyester and everything plastic. jester jester jester Still remember pops drinking his Pabst and whining the Hippies were going to destroy world. smash smash

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    Agree 100% with the original post, but I am getting older, I know this because I am starting to like the music at the grocery store!
    Liked that post about cursive writting -I teach elementary art and my students are fascinated by cursive, they love it. Our classroom teachers just do not have the time to teach it.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Agree 100% with the original post, but I am getting older, I know this because I am starting to like the music at the grocery store!
    Liked that post about cursive writting -I teach elementary art and my students are fascinated by cursive, they love it. Our classroom teachers just do not have the time to teach it.

    Funny. They have taught cursive for 100 years and now they don’t have time. Whats next? Won’t have time to teach 2+2?

    Posts: 45

    Did you consider that by ordering get electronically, the parents do not have to go out an escort the girl to protect her the nasty people or worse getting mugged for the money. I agree that I will only purchase when they knock on my door.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    I personally don’t let my kids sell the school stuff (aka beg for money).

    I’m not sure if this is true, but I heard once that kids had to participate in certain team/club fundraising (as part of team building, PR, camaraderie?)

    I could have worked minimum wage and made more than I ever did recycling cans for band. Or now my wife could pick up a couple hrs and pay for the whole trip so we could camp a couple extra weekends.

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    Would somebody call me and just talk to me on the phone bawling

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Would somebody call me and just talk to me on the phone bawling

    Who uses phones now to talk to anyone? Try to keep up here glenn… roll

    The companies bringing this stuff to the schools have it figured out and I chose not to play their game. I’ll donate cash straight to the school instead. I think we should all work together to get rid of the billionaire middle man.

    Yes!! Well no, if Heggies pizza is being sold, I’ll fold on the “principles” and load up. I don’t care who’s selling, it’s all about what I get out of the deal. razz

    Posts: 2596

    You know what I find sad. It’s that everyone doesn’t think like I do, especially the up and coming generations. None of them want to do it the way I do. I hate change and so should everyone else…unless I think it’s ok and also if I came up with it first. Doing things in new and different ways should be outlawed…no matter how more efficient and effective those new ways are. Get off my lawn!

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    Get off my lawn!

    As long as you are at home telling folks to get off your lawn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and not parked in my spot on the lake or river,,,,,,,,,,,,, I’m OK with that!! wave wave

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