So here is a little different take on the “new Corporate America”
Daughter just graduated from College. Reality is setting in and its time for putting the big girl panties on and get a job. Car payment, school loans, household contribution,….life isn’t free! 
She was recommended for a couple of jobs, and had 2 days to get her resume in. I helped her a little with the cover letter and formatting. Only to find out she can not use most fo the standard formatting in Microsoft word.
ALL the resumes needed to be a cut/paste into their online HR systems. OK, we got that done.
She gets a call for a first “Interview”. Lucky kid in on top of her game and a big part of her attributes in the enthusiasm and positive attitude she brings. Told she’ll get an email with a confirmation.
1/2 hour later she gets the email – its a link to an online questionnaire. Over 120 situational type questions and its timed. She has 1 hour to whip through this????? Additionally, I read some of the questions and they were so random and open ended, it left me thinking simply WTF
I told her afterwards that there was no way in hell that I would consider the place. Situational questions are for face-to-face. You may need clarification and you really need to see someone’s body language as they answer. This is what you use to have a discussion and learn about someone.
Few hours later, she gets an EMAIL form the second place she applied to. Email simply says “Congratulations. We are considering you for the position of……please follow the link below and begin your interview process” She clicks on the link——YEP, another 80 Question “test”.
She got a call on the first job and asked to come in for a “Real Time Interview”, and she must have done great on guessing. She went to the interview, and it took all of less than 10 minutes. She said she was absolutely dumbfounded and left feeling confused. The first five or six minutes was the HR Director reviewing policies/the job and NO discussion. Lindsey began to ask questions and the people sitting in on the interview were stumped. She said they all were “Like uummm, well…” Zero communication level.
I gripe about unprepared, lazy, selfish, entitle brat kids that are not willing to work. Well, look at what “we” are now doing at a corporate level. I am so freak’n shocked that a HR dept. would sink to such an automated level of a hiring practice. Especially when its a teaching position for children with disabilities. Can you really expect to hire best of class people and know your going to get the interaction level required to benefit a child from a dam test score :???::???::???: