Snowdog setups

  • gator800r
    Posts: 94

    Picked up a snowdog to try this season. I need to get it setup still. I would like to be able to have my auger on it and my Helix 7. Looking for some ideas on how to set it up. Lets see how you have yours set up.

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    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22016

    Those things are pretty sweet. What’s the weight of one ?

    Posts: 1291

    Those things are pretty sweet. What’s the weight of one ?

    About 320lbs give or take.Easy to move around and takes a lot to get them stuck.

    Some guys go with the Digger carriers for augers,or one can make their own.
    I have one coming like the OP has,my biggest quandary will be a hitch to use an Otter sled.The best riding position is in the center of sled with the handlebars as close as possible,easier to control that way.

    They are not fast,but will get you to where you want to go and have excellent pulling power.Good on fuel,easy to maintain/store/transport.

    Posts: 873

    I have a hard time seeing the benefit of one of these over a smaller snowmobile/atv.
    Is it intended get you on ice sooner or what?

    Posts: 119

    The compact model can fit inside a suv. Can also fit them in a bed. Don’t need a trailer like with a snowmobile or registration. And easier to store/maintain. That would be my guess. More minimalist.

    Jason Bernhardt
    Posts: 9

    I have some Koplin Rhino grips on my snowdog that work great for my k-drill. Nice thing is they are out of the way so the handlebars still fold over. I’m going into my 3rd year with my snowdog & love it!

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    Posts: 873

    I just watched some YouTube videos on them… They are kind of neat and definatly smaller for storage.
    I’m thinking anyone with sore knees or an iffy back would not fair well on one especially once the snow gets crusted over though.

    Posts: 94

    They might not be for everyone but they definitely have some advantages. My main reason for picking one up was to not have to haul my enclosed trailer around. I bought a receiver hitch cargo carrier to haul it around which leaves the bed of my truck empty for all my gear. The snowdog is also a lot lighter than my Polaris sportsman 1000 so that’s another big advantage for me living in southern WI. I still really like my atv setup but this will work great for quick runs to the lake.

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    Posts: 19453

    They might not be for everyone but they definitely have some advantages. My main reason for picking one up was to not have to haul my enclosed trailer around. I bought a receiver hitch cargo carrier to haul it around which leaves the bed of my truck empty for all my gear. The snowdog is also a lot lighter than my Polaris sportsman 1000 so that’s another big advantage for me living in southern WI. I still really like my atv setup but this will work great for quick runs to the lake.

    Can you post a few pictures of the Snowdog stowed on the rear reciever hitch carrier? How close are you to the weight capacity of the carrier? Does the Snowdog get covered in salty slush ice when on the road?

    Pillager, Mn.
    Posts: 137

    Does anyone know if a snow dog would pull an aluminum 8×10 skid house. I see the new dual track has a towing capacity of 650 lbs?

    Posts: 94

    Can you post a few pictures of the Snowdog stowed on the rear reciever hitch carrier? How close are you to the weight capacity of the carrier? Does the Snowdog get covered in salty slush ice when on the road?

    I actually don’t have my cargo carrier yet. It should arrive this week. Here are a picture of another persons snowdog on the same carrier I ordered though. The carrier is rated for 500lbs and my snowdog weighs 342lbs. As far as road salt I plan on buying a cover for it. A lot of people are using grill covers but snowdog does make their own cover also. The carrier I purchased through northern tool and is aluminum.

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    Posts: 19453

    cool, thx for the pics

    Posts: 1291

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JoeMX1825 wrote:</div>
    Can you post a few pictures of the Snowdog stowed on the rear reciever hitch carrier? How close are you to the weight capacity of the carrier? Does the Snowdog get covered in salty slush ice when on the road?

    I actually don’t have my cargo carrier yet. It should arrive this week. Here are a picture of another persons snowdog on the same carrier I ordered though. The carrier is rated for 500lbs and my snowdog weighs 342lbs. As far as road salt I plan on buying a cover for it. A lot of people are using grill covers but snowdog does make their own cover also. The carrier I purchased through northern tool and is aluminum.

    I was looking at that carrier,but the reviews seem to be mixed.I wish they made one like that,but with a solid receiver vs folding.Have the basket part as close to bumper as possible to minimize twisting.And a good solid carrier is very heavy,one I looked at(steel)was about 160lbs.A pita to remove solo.

    Be interesting to see how the NT ultra one works?

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